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Sweet Love Contract novel Chapter 9

However, although Wanda knew that she had only one way to escape, a new difficulty was soon placed in front of her.

How can I escape?

There were a lot of bodyguards in No.3 Mansion, and they must have been specially asked to pay more attention on her by Quincy. If she ran away in such a hurry, she would have been taken back before she went down two floors.

Wanda ran to the bathroom first, washed her face with cold water and removed the heavy makeup, which also helped her more or less relieve the tension of running away.

She looked at herself in the mirror. Drops of water were still dripping from the messy hair on her forehead, making the person in the mirror look a little dejected and embarrassed.

With one hand supporting the mirror in front of her, Wanda leaned against the wash basin and cursed in a low voice, "Damn it..."

She didn't think herself a good person in her life, but she had never done anything bad. Why couldn't she live a normal life?

Why did she have to live in fear even though she did nothing wrong?

Why could those people point her at will? Why did someone always want to take control of her life?

There was no answer. Fate had never given an answer to a person like her.

Thousands of unwillingness hovered in her heart, which annoyed her. Wanda clenched her fists and was about to smash them into the mirror in front of her, so that the pain could make her head a little sober.

However, before her fists reached the mirror, she had already seen something behind her from the reflection of the mirror.

It was a cleaning trolley which was parked in an empty place of the bathroom.

Wanda's eyes flashed.

While the cleaning lady was still busy in the cubicle of the bathroom, she tiptoed to the side and estimated it.

She was small in size. If she bent her body carefully and shrank a little, she could hide her whole body in the car basket. Although it was a little hard, as long as she could escape from this damned place, it was not a big deal to suffer a little.

Suddenly, an idea occurred to her. She was about to step into the car basket when she heard a soft voice behind her, "ah, girl, what are you doing? Go somewhere else. Don't interfere with my work!"


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