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Sweet Mischief’s Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 1097

The elevator dinged as it hit the ground floor, and out they strolled, Leo gently guiding Anya toward the jogging track. The place was alive with folks on their evening runs, but the two of them took their time, ambling along the path.

Breaking the easy silence, Anya said, "Chad, I've got to say, I really like you."

Leo squeezed her hand, a smile playing at his lips. "I know," he replied.

"And," Anya continued, "I love spending time with you."

Leo chuckled, "That, I know too."

Anya was about to protest, but Leo beat her to it, "Hey, going from flying solo to being part of a duo, it takes some getting used to. Feeling out of sorts is just your mind's way of dealing with new stuff. Once you settle into the groove, you'll love this new chapter."

Anya glanced down, "Chad, you seem to have all the answers."

Leo's warmth seeped through his touch, "You're my little fairy. When my fairy's feeling blue, how could I not notice?"

He continued, "As for our morning routine, I could sleep in and let you have the bathroom first, but I love standing side by side, watching us brush our teeth in the mirror. We can handle all our meals without you lifting a finger.

Ms. Anya, cooking is your passion, not a chore. I didn't want a big kitchen to have you cater to me, but to give you space to explore your love for it. I'm your boyfriend, your other half. You can dash out in a towel, and I could too...”

Before he could finish, Anya spun around and hugged him tight, her face buried in his chest. "Chad, you're amazing."

Leo laughed softly, "I thought you were going to say 'I love you.'"

Anya whispered, "There are too many people around; I'm too shy for that."

Leo glanced around, grinning, "But you're okay with hugging me in front of everyone?"


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