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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 1

Larissa Seymour only realized that Travis Hardy may have cheated on her after seeing the pile of pregnancy supplies in his Amazon shopping cart. 

Back when Travis was wooing her, Larissa had told him frankly that she had no desire to have children. Travis was the one who said, “That’s fine. It’s even better if it’s just the two of us.” Only then did Larissa agree to be with him, and they got married. 

So, the pregnancy supplies were definitely not for her. 

Larissa thought for a moment. Of all the relatives and friends Travis had, the only one who had recently gotten pregnant was a female subordinate of his, Amber Fox. 

The last time their department had hosted a team gathering, she’d forgotten her keys and gone to Travis for his. She saw Amber rubbing the tiny bump on her stomach while sitting next to Travis. Their postures were definitely more intimate compared to their other colleagues. 

Larissa had not felt comfortable with it then, but when Amber greeted her graciously, she thought that she was reading into it too much. But now… 

A sudden thought occurred to her, and she quickly checked Travis’s previous orders. 

Aside from the same pregnancy supplies in the shopping cart, there were also all sorts of luxury cosmetics and skincare products, as well as a limited-edition Chanel handbag. 

If she remembered correctly, Amber had had that very Chanel handbag with her that day. 

Having connected all the dots, Larissa felt her scalp tingle, as if someone had pulled hard on her hair. Her chest felt tight too, and she nearly had trouble breathing. At the same time, she also had a little bit of hope—what if… What if…this was all just a coincidence? 

Larissa was not desperate to confront Travis. 

Today was the last Friday of the month. As usual, their department was going to host a team gathering again. She called Travis and asked if he was allowed to bring family with him. 

“I don’t feel like cooking today.” 

She had caught a cold two days ago. It had gotten worse today, so she had taken the day off to rest at home. Travis knew this. 

“They’re quite rowdy, you know. Your headache might get worse,” he said. 

It was not as if Larissa had never eaten with his subordinates before. They knew their limits. At least, she did not find them that rowdy when she went that time. 

His reaction only showed that he had something to hide. 

“I’m just going over to eat,” she said, “I’ll leave once I’m finished.” 

Travis hesitated for a moment before saying, “Okay then.” He seemed rather reluctant. 

Larissa’s heart sank at that. 


Larissa’s complexion was not great because of her cold. Not wanting to be outdone, she deliberately put on a full face of makeup and changed into a tight dress. She then left the house wearing heels. 

The place where Travis and his subordinates were gathered was a fancy restaurant. There were many people in his department, so they booked a private room with two large tables in it. When Larissa arrived, they had already taken their seats. 

Unsurprisingly, Amber was sitting next to Travis. 

Her grip tightening on her bag strap, Larissa smiled insincerely and greeted everyone while dropping a hand on Travis’s shoulder. “It’s been a while, guys!” 

In her peripheral vision, she noticed that Amber’s smile had vanished. 

Likewise, Travis’s expression was stiff. He patted the empty seat next to him and said to Larissa, “Here, have a seat.” 

Larissa moved her chair closer to Travis before sitting down. She leaned against him naturally and held his hand. Travis instinctively tried to pull his hand back, but Larissa had it firmly in her grip. 

Lowering his head, Travis complained under his breath. “Don’t behave like that in front of so many people…” 

Larissa sneered to herself, but her smile remained sweet. 

“What are you afraid of? We’re married, right?” She gave a knowing look to the others at the table before raising their intertwined hands such that Travis’s wedding band could be seen. She then asked, “Do you guys mind?” 


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