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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 1002

+15 BONOS 

Chapter 1002 

Larissa had to pick up Gary and Lewis early tomorrow morning

So, after having dinner, she returned to her room to freshen up and get ready for bed

As she lay down on the bed, she found herself tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep no matter what she did

Kevan had just managed to put Aster to sleep before coming into the room

He noticed that the lights were still on

He furrowed his brow and asked. Why haven’t you fallen asleep yel?” 

Larissa led the blanket and sat up abruptly

I’m feeling very anxious right now,she admitted

Her hair was in disarray

There was a troubled expression on her lace

Anxious about what?Kevan inquired

Well my dad is coming over tomorrow, What if he doesn’t get along with your parents?” 

The mere thought of that possibility gave her a headache

Uncle Gary is a reasonable person. He won’t easily give anyone a hard time.” Kevan delended Gary

His word’s brought a smile to Larissa’s fa 

Are you saying he hasn’t been giving you a hard time then?” 

Kevan cleared his throat awkwardly, attempting to conceal his discomfort

“Well there are reasons for that he replied

AlrighLLarissa understood

Kevan had been effectively tamed by her father

Even when Gary wasn’t around, Kevan wouldn’t dare to speak ill of him

I think I’ll give Lewis a call to remind him,she said

She unplucard the cable attached to her phone, causing the charging to stop

Kevan stopped her

They should already be asleep. Anything you want to say can wait until you pick them up tomorrow morning.” 

After some thought, she put her phone back. You’re right,” 

Kevan gently pressed her down, pulling the blanket up to her chin

Alright, it’s time to sleep.” 

He turned off the main light in the room, leaving only a small night light for illumination

We have a lot to do tomorrow, and you didn’t get a chance to rest during the day.” 

Larissa stared at him with wide eyes

Suddenly, a mischievous smile crossed her face

Do you want to tell me a story or something to hep me las asleep? Maybe that’ll do the trick” 

Help you fall asleep. Well that can be arranged

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His eyes gradually grew darker

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The next day. Larissa left the house without having breakfast

Thanks to Kevan, she had gone to bed early the previous night after a titing day

She woke up feeling refreshed and full of energy

Gary and Lewis were fully prepared: they were already waiting for her at home

As soon as Larissa walked in, they both got up from the couch

Gary halted her as she was about to change her shoes, saying, Don’t bother changing: let’s leave now.” 


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