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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119 

When Larissa reached her office, she locked the door behind her, feeling a sense of unease settling in. Unable to fully concentrate on her work, she found herself constantly on edge, listening intently to any sounds or mavemeals outside her office

When someone passed by her door, she would freeze and be on high alert. Even after the person had moved on, she still felt tense. By the morning’s end, her state of tiredness was no different from when she got off work

Close to noon, Larissa saved the report she had done halfway and was about to grab lunch. Suddenly, she heard lootsteps outside her door again. This time, the footsteps came to a halt right outside her door

Subconsciously, she held her breath, her senses on high alert as she tried to discem the sounds. Her heart was racing

Suddenly, there came three knocks on her door, causing her to involuntarily swallow nervously. Then, she asked, Who’s there?” 

It’s me.came the voice of a young man, sounding oddly familiar. As Larissa strained her memory to place the voice, he added. It’s Lucas Hermes.” 

You’re alone?she asked warily

Her strange question puzzled Lucas for a moment, and he responded, Yes, I’m alone. Is there someone else I should be with?” 

Finally, she felt at ease and opened the door. Why are you here?” 

I’m here to talk about business. Lucas smiled

Larissa was in doubl Talk about business

In her opinion, Lucas was a trust fund baby with too much free time. They had met twice, but he had never mentioned his work 

Lucas pulled out a chair and sat down. He placed his hands on the table, looking as he was ready to tak business. Larissa dared not waste time and promptly poured him a cup of water

I only have water in my office.” 

It’s line,Lucas said, taking the cup and sipping from it

My girlfriend’s birthday is coming soon, and I want to host a birthday party for her at the Regal Cynasty Hotel” 

OnLarissa immediately understood

You want to book a venue, right? I’m not in charge of that. She laughed apologetically 

You should go to the lobby and lind the general manager. She will take you on a tour of the banquet halls in our hotel. If you have any questions, feel free to ask her. She can provide you with a detailed explanation. Or 

As she spoke. She picked up the landline and said. I can call her and ask her to meet you at the elevator on the second llaor. All our banquet hals are located on the second and third fleer.” 


Lucas put down the cup. a look of disappointment crossing his lace as he touched his nose

I was hoping I could help you out and make your work performance even better,” he said, with a hint of disappointment in his voice

Larissa chuckled and reassured him, You are actually boosting my work performance by bringing more business to the hotel


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