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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124 

Thinking her eyes were playing a trick on her. Larissa pushed Kevan’s hand away from her face, but Lana had already turned around. Soon, the waiters served the dishes, and everyone’s attention immediately shifted to the food

Lucas and Lana were seated opposite Kevan and Larissa, as those were the only two vacant seats in the venue

As soon as they stepped down from the stage. Lucas rushed towards Kevan

Mr. Rogers 

Lucasface was flushed, but one could hardly tel. It was due to the warm temperature of the venue or his overwhelming excilement from 

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Lana, whom he had left behind, was a lew steps behind him. Although she furrowed her brows in anger. Lucas was too happy to see his idol that he did not notice

Larissa sighed Internally, thinking that men were really clueless

Kevan stood up and nodded at Lucas. Smiling at Lana, he said gently. Happy birthday, Ms. Seymour,” 

Having been addressed specifically by him, Lana immediately put on a perfunctory sm le. However, when she saw Kevan’s lace clearly, her eyes widened in astonishment just like many other women before her 

It was at that moment that Lucas turned his attention back to her

Lana!He pulled her to stand in front of Kevan and introduced her enthusiastically. This man is my idol, Mr. Rogers.” 

Mr. Rogers.Lana greeted him. Thank you for coming.” 

Her face tumed bright red, and her eyes shone with anticipation as she stole a shy glance at Kevan, displaying a bashfulness that was nowhere to be seen when she was on stage with Lucas. Larissa’s suspicions grew

I thought you wouldn’t come today! Lucas was wholly locused on Kevan, utterly oblivious to Lana, I heard earlier that you were on a business trip to Bartham and wouldn’t be back until next month. I was disappointed over it for a while. Fortunately, I still held on to a faint hope that you would come and have reserved a seat lur you.” 

Yes.” Kevan said softly, I did go on a business trip le Banham, and I just returned this afternoon. After attending Ms. Seymour’s birthday banquet. I’ll be lying back to Bartham tomorrow mairing.” 

Well It was evident that Lucas was happy, but at the same time, he seemed a bit flustered. If you’re busy, there’s no need to rush 

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Meanwhile, Lana lowered her head, but she was grinning from ear to ear

Mr. Rogersyou didn’t have to.” 

Although she said that she sounded very proud and happy about it


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