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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 127

Chapter 127 

Lanssa had successfully diverted her attention

We met while studying abroad. He was my senior al the same university, but we were pursuing dillerent courses, Cesp te having our own clique for international students, we were the only students from Caldor. Although he had another senior, she already had a boyfriend, so she rarely hung out with us, leaving us alone most of the time. He really looks out for me too. However, it was only an attraction we had for each other back then. It wasn’t until I returned to Calcor atter graduating that we ran into each other again at a party. That’s when we discovered that cur parents were good friends. Both sides had the intention of bringing us together, and we also enjoyed each other’s company. So I happily agreed to be Lucasgrfriend once he popped the question.” 

It was a pretty sweet love story, but Lana did not serm the slightest bit excited when talking about it. Even her expression remained the same throughout. Her smile seemed more like a performance

Larissa suddenly recalled the scene when she was cutting the cake with Lucas and wondered if she had not been mistaken aller all 


Seeing that Larssa was lost in thought, Lana cuickly changed the topic back

It’s your tum to tell me your story.” 

Larissa guloed; she couldn’t escape it after all 

She lowered her head and snuck a glance at Kevan. He was still focused on his meal. The lable was very wide, so he probably couldn’t 

hear their conversation 

Larissa breathed a sigh of relief and began to make up a story. Mr. Rogers and I met through work. He came to our hotel for an inspection, and I happened to be the one serving him. I had just gotten out of a marriage, and I fell in ove with him at first sight, so I pursued him 

relentlessly. People say time and effort could move any woman, and this was the case for him. He probably felt my sincerity and agreed to 

be with me not long after.” 

She didn’t want to portray herself in such a lowly ght, but Kevan was a renowned executive, after all. She felt the need to preserve him 

some dignity, even if it was just a story

Is that it?Lana seemed doubtful of the story and took another look at Kevan before adding I thought Mr. Rogers was quite reserved, it 

wouldn’t be easy to win him over.” 

Larissa fell her intuition was so sharp that she leared being exposed

He was indeed hard to win over,” she admitted helplessly. I faced numerous hardships when pursuing him. I almost gave up, but fortunately, I persevered. Larissa put on an embarrassed yet contented smile

Lana pursed her lips momentarily before breaking into a wide smile that reached her eyes

You’re indeed so lucky.” 


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