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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 160

Chapter 160 

Larissa had a tough time convincing Zero that she was truly fine. However, her mind kept drifting off during supper, consumed by 

thoughts of Kevan and Lana. Finally, the seemingly endless supper came to an end, and she returned to Foxtail Garden, only to find two individuals standing downstairs near where Kevan usually parked

Once she got nearer, she found that the individuals were none other than the two people, who had occupied her thoughts all night. They appeared to be engaged in conversation but maintained hall a car’s length between them. This distance showed a lack of an intimate vibe

As such, Larissa was confused about the true nature of their relationship. However, she did not want to interrupt, so she made a burn, intending to park her car in the underground parking lot. The entrance to the underground parking lot at Foxtail Gander was a bit far from their building

Although Dylan had mentioned reserving a parking spot for her, she found it rather bothersome. Generally, she wouldn’t go through the trouble of taking a detour to park underground unless all the groundlevel spaces were occupied

However, just as Larissa’s car passed by, Kevan halted her. He suddenly reached out his hand, and because Larissa had intentionally avoided looking in his direction, her car nearly collided with him. Thankfully, she hit the brakes in time. Kevan approached the driver’s side window and tapped on it. Reluctantly, she lowered the window

Where are you headed?he inquired. His body was slightly hunched, and his brows were slightly furrowed as he scrutinized her

To the parking lot, obviously,she replied, attempting to sound composed

As expected, his brows furrowed even tighter, But don’t you usually park above ground?” 

He noticed Larissa had continuously looked past him in a distracted manner and was lixated on Lana, who was standing behind him, and immediately understood what was on her mind. She actually thought… 

A trace of anger fickered across his eyes as he pointed to the empty space beside his car and commanded. Park here.” 

Larissa’s gaze icllowed the direction of his finger and immediately noticed his Maserall. It brought back the image of Lana getting into his car. Her chest tightened at that moment, and she coldly declined, No. Il park downstars.” 

At that moment Lana approached her. Larissa, you’re late today.” 

She leaned on the car window, and her body naturally touched Kevan’s, causing him to recoil with disgust. He even brushed away the imaginary dust on his clothes. Lana’s lace stiflered upon witnessing Kevan’s reaction, and Larissa felt a sint sense of satisfaction as she 

observed the two

I went to meet a friend,she replied to her sister 


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