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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 209


Chanter 209 

Chapter 209 

The atmosphere in the living room became even more awkward upon Larissa’s arrival. Nevertheless, it was slightly better as they had a conversation topic now instead of staring silently at each other like before

Larissa looked around and noticed that everyone was present, except for Reuben, but she didn’t ask about him

When it was finally time for lunch, Yvette instructed Larissa, Larissa, Reuben isn’t feeling well so he’s resting in his room. Please call him down for lunch.” 

Alrightshe said. She went straight upstairs without questioning anything

Reuben’s door was shut tightly. After she knocked twice, a muffled voice came from inside. Come in.” 

Larissa pushed the door open, revealing a dark room with the lights off and the curtains drawn

Before her eyes could adjust to the darkness, she was yanked onto the bed. She screamed in fear as someone pressed themsell upon her and ripped her clothes apart

What are you doing, Reuben?!Larissa pushed away and slapped him on reflex. She shouted so loudly in panic that her voice broke

Reuben didn’t stop, but whispered in her ear instead, saying, I’m sorry.” 

Before Larissa could understand what he meant the door opened and the lights were turned on

Reuben, Larissa=” 

At the door, Lana let out a highpitched scream, her eyes wide with shock

Her screams attracted the attention of everyone else. The sound of footsteps could be heard, and everyone was gathered outside Reuben’s room

By the time Lana arrived, Reuben had already gotten off Larissa, and she quickly pulled the blanket over herself, curling up into a small ball at the head of the bed

What happened, Lana?Yvette asked nervously. What’s going on?” 

When she took a look, she was speechless. All she could do was point at the two people on the bed

Jay squeezed his way through the throng, his expression dark and slem as he asked Reuben, Reuben, tell me honestly, what exactly happened here?” 

Lowering his head without looking at Larissa, Reuben replied softly. “I was sleeping when I heard Ms. Seymour calling me. When I opened my eyes, I saw her lying on my bed with her clothes barely on, and she even kissed me on the lips,” 

Her eyes wide with shock, Larissa could hardly believe that these words were coming out of Reuben’s mouth



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