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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 315

Chapter 315 

Ma’am, we’ve placed everything according to your instructions.” 

Good,Violet nodded. You may go now.” 

After they had left, Violet pushed Larissa into the kitchen

These are all my baking equipmentshe explained. And there’s flour, cream, and a these other ingredients.” 

She glanced at the builtin oven in the kitchen and uffed Fortunately, Revan got an oven here when he was renovating. He must have Uved here for three to four years. hmm? Leck at how ewitish She led 

Larissa citral have the courage to say that it was not just the over, but almost everything in the kitchen seemed new

After lunch, both mother and daughterinlaw baked a cake instead of going downstairs for a walk

Larissa was fairy talented at cooking, so when valet taught her something, she caught on pretty quickly. She only rained one cake base. and made the second one perfectly, just du Violets. Vicket praised her for quite a while because of that 

As she was just starting out Violet did not teach her anything too complicated, so they started off with a cream cake. Larissa used up aute some energy to beat the cream, but thenchu by. The result was not too bad. After spreading cream to the cake base and plachalam bland towers, she cut some hesh fruit and added trose to remedy the sad flowers

Once the cake was finished. Larissa tasted it. It was just as good as the cakes from bakeries out there



When one’s It was niched time flew by pretty quickly

Before Larissa knew it the sky had turned dark 

As it was almost time to eat Larissa invited Violet to stay for dinner, but the ter insisted on leaving

With a cold look on her lace, she said, I dont want to see that rullen boy!” 

Larissa quessed that she and Kevan had a pretty bad fight last night. With that thought in mind the quilt in her heart increased further

When Kewan got home, he heard Larksa taking to someone. Are you hungry? Do you want some milk

Aww, why are you so good‘ 

Such a cute girl” 

Her lone was so so that it made him jealous 

A dan look thing through his eyes, he quickly changed his shoes and walked into the being room. Larissa was sing in the wheelchair. teasing and lickling the kitten in het lap 

Hang onkitten

Kevan’s eyes narrowed. Where’d this cal come from

The rigidity of his voice made Lanssa shudder. Even the poor. Innocent Liten scomed to sense the danger, shrinking into her palm 

Mom brought her over today said she was scared that I might be bored, so she brought her over to accompany me.As she sco Lanssa gently stroked the baton’s head to soothe.i

Sure enough

Kevan went over and picked up the kitten by the scull of its neck and led it off Larissa’s lan 

HeyLassa asusly tried to get her back. Don’t be so rough with


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