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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 323

Chapter 323 

ChrismotherRebecca Hermes looked up and ecclmed with delight. Aunt Violetand Violi nodded reaching out to her. Here, let me hold him.She gaved at the baby in Rebecca’s arms win warmth in her eyes and Rebecca handed the child over, murmurna Chris, your grandaunt is going to hold you ·· 

Chris was very wellbehaved; he did not cry even after leaving his mother’s embrace

Violet held him, rocking him gently while coping at him at the same time. Christ Do you know who I am? Do you know I’m your grandaunt? Look at you! So wellbehaved! You’re not crying at al!” 

Larissa watered quietly at one side, thinking to hersel. Thank goodness Kevan aid ol come today.Otherwise, they would delibey be urged to have children as soon as possible

That thought had just entered her mind when Rebecca assed, Lanssa when are you and Kevan going to have children 


used momentarily in her baby entertainment but said nothing. She just watched Larissa carefully from her peripheral vision and waited for her to answer this question

Larissa sill used her mutipurpose template and said, Lost married Kevant probably take a few years.” 

What’s wrong with just getting married? Ma appeared out of nowhere and looked at Larissa with disapproval. My boy, Kyle, and Rebecca got pregnant after being married for just a month! Look at how cute my daring Chris is

Larissa did not know what to say, so she conscientiously shut her mouth

Mia continued te nag. V you need to talk to Kevan! Forget marrying late, he’s not proactive in trying for a child at at! To think that he is the oldest of the next generation in the family. All the younger ones are following him. They’re all so grown now but they’re stil single! Whenever giricize them even a bit they all use Kevan as an excuse! Such cheesy brats! Only my Kyle listened to me. Ona hindai worry less 

Violet was more anxious than she was. But she could not speak of her son’s fauts in lont of Lanesa

They have their own plans! Why should we interfere so much she deliberately said in a carefree manner

Mehed Larissa’s hand and scoffed. Don’t lister to your motherinlaw’s act here She sees so, but the truth is she desperately wants a grandchile! As for you be a good girl and talk to Kevin Hanyup and have a child so that your motherinlaw will have less to worry about

Ma’s words hiline nal on the head for Voel, so she did not argue any longer 

Larissa laughed aryly, suddenly regretting agreeing to accompany her motherin-law

Lar, why don’t you try holding him? Wolet placed Chris into Larissa’s am 


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