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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 338

Only then did Kevan divert some of his attention to Muffin. Frowning slightly, he raised his foot, which made Muffin fall from his slipper to the floor.

He did not lift his foot too high, so Muffin was not hurt. After rolling herself up, she went straight to nibble at his slipper again. Kevan decided to pick her up and place her on his lap before aiming the phone camera at her. He introduced the kitten to Ruby, "This cat is Larissa's."

Ruby froze for a moment before she smiled with joy. Her gaze fixed on Muffin, she praised, "This kitten is so cute! I really want to have a Ragdoll kitten like this too! But …" She looked down despondently. "Cody never let me have pets in the house."

"If you really like it, I can send this cat over to you tomorrow." Kevan did not even bother discussing it with Larissa before deciding for himself.

Shocked, Larissa was about to refuse when she realized she could not interrupt their conversation. So, she could only wave her hand repeatedly at Kevan to show her stance on the matter.

Kevan ignored her though, his eyes did not even move as they remained fixed on his phone screen.

"That's … not really okay, is it?" Ruby did not accept at once even though her eyes showed desire. "The kitten belongs to Larissa after all. If you want to give her to me, you have to get her agreement on it!"

"Strictly speaking, this cat was a gift from my mom to us, so I have half custodial rights too." Kevan used his large hand to cover his face as he secretly peeked in Larissa's direction. As expected, he saw the look of panic on her face. He grew more unhappy than ever.

Not only did she say nothing with regards to her husband being stolen away by Ruby, but she was so anxious over a stupid cat …

Was he not comparable to a cat in her heart?

Gritting his teeth, Kevan roughly rubbed Muffin's head, who meowed in discomfort as she tried to avoid his "evil" hand. Looking back at the screen, Kevan finished his sentence. "So, I have the right to decide what happens with this cat too."


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