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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 362

The cold air blew in, causing the temperature of the apartment to drop, but it also cleared up the greasy air in the room.

Dylan was not a clean freak, but that did not mean that he was willing to clean up after someone's food trash. He would not mind it so much if it was a close friend, but it just had to be Ruby, who he hated greatly.

"Hell no." He dumped himself on the sofa, his expression one of extreme candidness. "Ruby can take care of it herself when she comes out."

Kevan glared at him, but he did not force him to do it.

Ruby said she was going to get changed, but when she emerged from the bedroom, she had washed and dried her hair as well as put on makeup. Dylan was no longer confused then as to why she needed to spend one and a half hours to get changed.

Having "armed" herself, Ruby was clearly calmer than before, and more confident too. But when she noticed the trash she left on the coffee table, she freaked out again, quickly going over to throw everything into the trash can. Once she was certain there were no other issues, she sat next to Kevan with relief.

"Kevan!" she simpered sweetly, though there was some amount of displeasure in it. "Call me before coming over next time, hmm? That way I can clean up. Otherwise, it's so embarrassing!"

Kevan answered blandly, "Sure."

Ruby's gaze moved over to Dylan. "How should I address you, Mr. Lawyer?" she asked smilingly.

Dylan replied, "Shields. My last name is Shields." His attitude was mild.

Ruby let out an "Oh," before naturally holding Kevan's left hand with her right. "I heard that you specialize in divorce cases, Mr. Shields. Kevan tells me that you have never lost a case since you started?"

Dylan stared at their hands and nearly shouted out, "What the freaking fuck?"


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