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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 364

This question of his really stumped Kevan. Thinking it through carefully, Kevan said uncertainly, "I don't … think so? Anyway, I've never seen her act out when I was with her."

"But earlier …" Dylan told Kevan everything he had heard, which made the latter frown deeper as a hint of panic appeared on his face.

"You're saying … she was looking for a cat?"

"Yeah." Dylan nodded. "She doesn't seem to like that cat. Just kept yelling as she tried looking for it. She sounded near hysterical, I'm telling you, just like she has bipolar disorder or something."

The moment Dylan finished speaking, Kevan was already out of the car.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Dylan also unfastened his seat belt and hurried down after him too.

Kevan had returned to Ruby's place, and she had found the kitten. When Kevan went inside, she saw her strangling Muffin's neck with one hand, a twisted, hideous smile on her face. Muffin was meowing in agony; her voice was so pitiful even as her four limbs flailed in the air.

Kevan's breathing stopped for a second, and his heart nearly forgot to beat. He nearly rushed over and saved Muffin, but rationality still won over recklessness. Backing all the way up to the entrance hall, he pretended to have come in again and called, "Ruby?"

Ruby froze and quickly hugged the kitten to her, putting away her hideous expression before turning around slowly.

"Kevan?" Her surprise was not faked. "I thought you went back to the company? Why did you come back?"


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