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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 379

Dylan stood there, stunned. His mouth was slightly agape, and his pupils involuntarily dilated.

"What ... did you say?" He finally managed to find his voice after some time. His gaze slowly shifted down from Ruby's face and landed on her still imperceptible small belly.

Ruby placed her hand on her stomach and drew two circles. "I'm pregnant with Kevan's child," she said proudly. Dylan couldn't believe it. Kevan would never have been intimate with her.

"Ms. Cole, you shouldn't be coming to the hospital since you're pregnant. There are many viruses and bacteria here, and pregnant women have weaker immune systems. It would be troublesome if you fell ill." His immediate thought was to persuade Ruby to go back and avoid any encounter with Larissa.

Larissa's reaction would be different from his. If she found out that Ruby was pregnant, she would undoubtedly assume the child belonged to Kevan. And it would be too late by the time Kevan woke up. But the more he feared something, the more it seemed to become a reality.

Before he could say anything more, the door to the ward opened once again. Larissa held the doorknob with one hand and said expressionlessly to Ruby, "Come in."

Though she was angry that Ruby had come to see Kevan after such a long time, Ruby was still someone he deeply cared about. If he were awake, he would probably forgive her without a second thought. Not to mention, she was now carrying his child. Larissa believed Kevan would definitely want to see her.


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