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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49 

Kevan remained expressionless the whole time, and Larissa could not tell what he thought of this gown at all

Startled, Kevan slowly returned to his senses. What?he asked

Larissa was disappointed. He clearly did not like this gown, so much so that he could space out while looking at her

What do you think of this one?she asked again without much hope

It’s alright.Kevan casually threw down those two words

It was just as she thought

Pursing her lips, Larissa said, Then please leave. I’ll try the other ones.” 

Don’t.Kevan waved his hand. When he saw Larissa’s confused gaze, he explained with gleaming eyes, It’s late, just wear this one.” 

Oh, okay.The financial backer had spoken, so Larissa did not dare disobey. Then I’ll wait here for Vivian to do my makeup.” 

Kevan found an excuse to leave. I’ll call her

He did not dare stay alone with her in such a small space. He was afraidthat he could not hold himself back

With Vivian, she had gone back to the stairs where Karin was waiting for her

Sorry, Karin,Vivian said helplessly. That customer was rather aggressive, and hoped for no disturbances at all.” 

Then what am I going to do?!Karin’s temper exploded once more. I only wear haute couture to attend eventsnot to mention the number of socialites attending the banquet tonight! I refuse to be outclassed by them! I don’t care, Vivian.She grabbed her arm. You must let me pick an haute couture gown!” 

ButVivian was in a dilemma

There are no buts!Karin could not wait any longer and dashed to the third floor. How am I disturbing them by picking a gown? I’ll take care of any consequences that come from this!” 

Karin, wait!Vivian could not stop her in time. She stamped her foot in frustration and chased after her

Karin was prepared to confront the aggressive customer that Vivian talked about, but when she got there, there was no one on the third floor

Where’s that customer?she asked Vivian, skepticism written all over her face as she studied the stylist. Are you lying to me?” 

Why would I lie to you about this?Vivian countered quickly. What good would that do for me?She turned to observe, it was true that there was no one. There was only one place that people could hide in on the third floor, however, and that is the fitting 


The curtain was firmly closed, which meant that someone was inside. But for both of them to be in thereA few suggestive images crossed Vivian’s mind

They’re probably in the midst of trying on the clothes.Vivian pushed Karin and spoke to her in a low voice. Hurry, take this chance and pick your gown!” 

Karin was a little indignant. Why should I act like a damned thief when picking clothes? I’m a superstar, for goodnesssake!” 

Of course, you’re right!Vivian quickly soothed her, but pulled a pitiful countenance soon and begged, But have mercy on me, and let me make a living, please?” 

If it weren’t for your sakehumph!Karin lifted her chin and went over to the clothes rack with the latest season’s haute couture from various luxury brands before going through them carefully


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