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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52

She had not treated this as a serious problem at the timeeven if this was the first time she failed and had been rejected. But after that, everything spiraled out of her control and was beyond what she could imagine would happen

She sought out her boss and asked him to save her, but she only got more social calls than before

The payoff for the social calls was better resources for other actresses in the agency

She demanded an explanation from her boss, and he told her frankly, You’ve been banned by Mr. Rogers. If you don’t deal with him, no one will dare hire you. But don’t worry, I will always remember your contributions to the agency. As long as our contract remains valid, your luxurious life will always be there.” 

She knew exactly what she needed to trade to keep her luxurious life

She still had dreams and aspirations. She did not want to be some call girl for the rest of her life

So, she did everything she could to get the invitation for tonight’s banquet in order to see Kevan, to get him to have mercy on her. It would be even better if she could overcome her failures and successfully get into bed with him

Luck must have smiled down on her today to give her the opportunity to meet Kevan before the banquet. She had to make good use of it, of course

I was really forced by my boss! He made me do everything! He threatened me and said that if I didn’t do as I was told, he would blacklist me indefinitely! I really had no 

other choice” 

Karin looked up at Kevan with a face full of tears. She had acted in various productions and knew the best way to cry beautifully in order to invoke pity. But such a tactic had no effect on Kevan whatsoever. He always hated people who cried, and he definitely hated people who hugged him while crying and soiling his clothes in the 



nave security here?he asked Vivian, who was a little stunned by his 

Why would she need to hire security for a tiny modeling studio like hers? But she felt like if she said she did not, he would probably trash this whole place. So, she said, “I’ll call someone up!” 

She sped down to the first floor, where most of the staff were, and said, You, you

you, and you, follow me to the third floor!” 

When they rushed back upstairs, Kevan had already separated himself from Karin— he remained where he was, but Karin was sobbing quietly on the floor

As for Larissashe had not moved, quietly playing the role of a wallflower

Vivian had no idea what had happened when she was absent, she was not in the mood to figure it out either

Hurry up and bring Ms. Gallagher downstairs. Let her rest before giving her a proper styling for a banquet!she commanded her staff

Perhaps you did not understand my meaning, Ms. Watts.Kevan smiled, but his eyes were frigid. I asked you to call security to evict herto ensure that she never returns to this establishment.” 


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