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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 88

Chapter 88 

Kevan and Larissa sat in the car quietly

They were just looking at one another without exchanging words. It seemed to be the most common occurrence when they were alone

Kevan stared out of the window

His expression was calm, but his body tensed inch by inch

He wanted to talk to Larissa, but he didn’t know what he should talk to her about

Numerous conversation topics flashed through his mind, but they were rejected by him one by one

Are you okay?sounded too stupid

Have you eaten?sounded like he was trying too hard to fill the silence

You did well todaywas just weird. She wasn’t his subordinate

Do you remember how, as a child, you used to-That was probably a scar she wished to never uncover in this lifetime if she could help it

Forget it, he thought dejectedly

Perhaps he really was just as Dylan describedhe had no talent for pursuing girls

Larissa’s phone was turned off. She had no plans of turning it on again 

in for


Without her phone to kill time, she felt the awkwardness in the car even more acutely

So, she asked the question she hadn’t gotten an answer to earlier once again. Why are you and Dylan here?” 

Kevan took a deep breath and turned to her

Dylan saw the news of Janine Levange attempting to take her life from the roof of Victory General Hospital online. He couldn’t reach your phone, so he came to see if you were here by any chance.” 

The subject he used in his sentence was Dylan“, as if everything had purely been Dylan’s idea

How thoughtful of him,Larissa said gratefully

Kevan’s fingers tightened in his lap. His chest felt tight, as if there was something preventing him from catching his breath

After a few minutes, he spoke again. Are you free this weekend? Accompany me to Starville Hotel.” 

Starville Hotel was another institution under Microworks Corporation. It was set at the heart of Starry Mountain, on the outskirts of Covenford. It was also rumored to be the best place on Starry Mountain to stargaze and watch the sunrise

Yet, the price of staying in Starville for just one night was exorbitant. The last few times Larissa had visited Starry Mountain, she could only opt for the other more affordable hotels around the summit

Chapter 88 

What for?she asked him now

An event.Kevan replied. A lot of people there might bring their daughters along-” 

So, he needed her to go with him as his fake girlfriendto fend off those unwanted advances, Larissa added

silently in her heart, voicing his unspoken words

Since they’d already signed a contract, she naturally had no room to refuse



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