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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94 

Larissa went straight into the bathroom to take a shower

After hiking up this mountain, her clothes had been soaked by her sweat, her disheveled appearance on par 

with Kevan’s

She changed into a dry, casual outfit before going over and knocking on Kevan’s door

Because of her, it was way past lunchtime when they arrived, and the little bit of breakfast she’d had that morning had already been depleted by the intense physical activities she’d been forced to perform

Larissa’s stomach grumbled, and she guessed that Kevan felt the same, so she decided to invite him downstairs to get lunch together

Kevan did not open the door. Instead, he asked through the door separating them, What is it?” 

Do you want to go get lunch?Larissa asked him

You go. I’m not hungry,he replied

Oh, okay-Larissa was a little disappointed, although she couldn’t exactly tell why

Larissa ordered two servings of food. She ate one of them and brought the other back to their room

Even though Kevan had said that he wasn’t hungry, he still needed to eat something

She knocked on his door again. This time, he didn’t even reply

Mr. Rogers? Are you inside?she asked, raising her voice in case he hadn’t heard her

The room was unusually quiet. Larissa paused and tried again. Can Icome in then?” 

There was still no answer

A bad premonition overwhelmed her. Hurriedly, she twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open

Kevan had shut the curtains in his room, and he hadn’t turned on the lights, so the room was pitchblack

After her eyes had gotten used to her surroundings, she caught sight of the lump in the middle of the bed

He was asleep

She hurriedly tiptoed out of the room again

Larissa had come here just for Kevan. Now that he was asleep, she had nothing else to do

After placing the food on the coffee table, she watched TV for a while before dozing off without realizing it

When she woke up again, it was almost 6 pm, and the TV was still on the same channel. However, it was now showing a different program

Kevan’s door was still tightly shut. She didn’t know if he was already up or not

Chapter 94 

Thinking about how he’d practically eaten nothing that day, Larissa scrambled up from the couch and rushed over to his door

Mr. Rogers, are you up?” 

There was still no response

She also wasn’t sure if he was still sleeping or if he’d gone out

She waited until 8 pm

The food she had earlier had long been digested. Rubbing her deflated stomach, she went over to call him again

Even if he was a heavy sleeper, he should’ve been awakened by hunger by now, shouldn’t he

The results were beyond her expectations

Larissa felt as though something was wrong, so she pushed open his door again. The lump on his bed wast still there, but she didn’t leave immediately like she did last time

Instead, she switched on the lights in the bedroom, walked over to the bed, and pulled away the covers

Kevan, a towering man of nearly 6’2, was tightly curled up in his bed

Beads of sweat dotted his forehead, and his pale face appeared bloodless. He shivered in his bed, his body convulsing as if he’d been electrocuted

Larissa raised her hand and touched his forehead. The abnormally high temperature under her palm made her chest clench


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