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Take Me Away novel Chapter 137

Spencer and a few other men who were staying on the same floor as him were walking to their apartments, chatting and laughing loudly.

Meanwhile, Fiona was standing at the entrance to the apartment, with one hand on the doorknob. She frowned at Celine. "What do you want now, Celine? If you're looking to start a fight again, I don't have time for it."

Celine snorted and replied in a cold voice, "You'll understand what I mean once you see what I have to show you. I have no interest in fighting with you. I'm only here to expose your true nature." Upon saying that, she picked up her phone and tapped on the screen with her finger. Then, she raised the screen and showed it to Fiona with a smug expression. "Check this out!"

Perplexed, Fiona shifted her gaze from Celine's face to the phone screen and saw a video playing on it.

"Help! Get away from me, Charles!"

Fiona froze when she heard the familiar voice—it sounded like her own. She couldn't help but look at the screen. In the video, she saw a man and a woman. The man was pushing the woman onto the couch in the living room and holding her down.

At the same time, Spencer, who was walking up the stairs at the back of the crowd, noticed the men at the front staring at something in shock.

"What's wrong?" he asked, following their gaze with his eyes.


"You can't run away from me, Fiona!"

"Spencer, help me..."

Before he could react, Spencer heard two familiar voices coming from a phone. There was no doubt about it; it was Fiona and Charles talking. Startled, Spencer ran up the stairs, pushing the men aside, and found Fiona and Celine standing at the door of his apartment.

Fiona was staring at the video in complete disbelief. The man in the video was certainly Charles, but who was the woman? And why was Charles calling her name when she clearly wasn't there?

"Celine! What are you doing?" Spencer roared as he walked to his apartment. His whole body was trembling with rage. Stretching out his arm, he knocked Celine's phone to the floor in one swift movement.

As the phone fell, the video continued playing. The sound echoed through the narrow corridor, turning the atmosphere cold all of a sudden.

Fiona looked at him, thunderstruck at his reaction. "Spencer..."

But before she could say anything, Celine began shouting, drowning out her voice. "Spencer! Do you see her true nature now? She is such a shameless bitch! She was having an affair with Charles at Cherry Grove Residence! How could she do that to you?" Fiona's face turned red with embarrassment.

Although she wasn't the woman in the video, she felt humiliated.

"Enough!" Spencer shouted and kicked the phone further away. The phone smashed into the wall, instantly breaking into two. "Where did you get this video? Didn't I have it deleted? Tell me, how did you get it?" Spencer shouted hysterically at Celine. Then, he glanced at the men standing in the corridor, his eyes red with anger. "Go away! Get out of here! Now!" he barked.

The men, who were already feeling embarrassed after intruding on a private matter, fled from the scene without uttering a word.

Fiona, on the other hand, was dumbfounded. She couldn't understand what Spencer meant. "Spencer, have you seen this video before? Why didn't you tell me? Why did you have it deleted?"

Before Spencer could respond, Celine crossed her arms and sneered, "Do you really think he'd want to tell you? And what should he have done instead of deleting the video? Kept it for himself?"


Fiona was about to say something when Spencer interrupted her. "Don't say a word! And Celine, get out of here right now!"

"I am not going anywhere!" Celine retorted. Tilting her head to the side, she said menacingly, "You rejected my love, and now, you are defending her! Even after seeing proof of her true nature, you're still choosing to fight for her! Do you want to ruin our family's reputation?"

"But that woman in the video isn't me!" Fiona suddenly screamed. She glanced at Spencer and then turned to Celine, as if something had suddenly struck her. "You really think that I'm the woman in the video, don't you?"

Celine gritted her teeth. "Think? That video is solid proof that you were in bed with Charles. Are you still going to deny that it's you?"

Clenching his fists, Spencer warned her, "Celine, I don't care where you got that video from. Just let it go! I don't care what's in the video! Fiona is and will always be my wife!" Upon saying that, he grabbed Fiona's hand and stormed into his apartment.

"Let go of me!" Fiona roared suddenly. She pulled her hand away and raised her head, looking at Spencer in disbelief. "What do you mean? You don't trust me, do you? Do you really think I am the woman in the video?" she asked, clenching her fists.

There was a trace of pain in Spencer's eyes. "Stop it, Fiona. This is all my fault. I failed to protect you and I let Charles take you away from me. You will always be my wife, no matter what happened between you two. I know he forced you to—"

Fiona slapped him before he could say anything further. A faint mark of her palm appeared on his face.


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