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Take Me Away novel Chapter 212


A passenger wharf along the east coast in M City was guarded. Nobody was allowed to go on the sea, including those who were already on the other boat were forced to leave. The only cruise named 'Queen' was three hundred meters away from the shore. Because the cruise ship had been under the control of the people of the X Organization.

The wharf and the shore were besieged. The helicopters in the sky were pounding in the sky, and even the seas had been sailed to the shore, forming a circle of three sides, surrounding the luxury cruise ship.

The 'Queen' cruise was held a three-day business party when it arrived at the international deluxe cruise ship in M City not long ago. So there were not only business elites at home and abroad, but also powerful people in M City. But now, the cruise was under Charles's control. If Charles destroyed the whole cruise, there would be an uproar. Therefore, even if the cruise was surrounded by the empress, no one dared to act rashly.

All the high spirited people at the party were squatting on the deck, with their heads in their hands. Women were whining, and men were wearing a forced smile. The armed men in black around them did not relax at all. As long as someone dared to move, they immediately broke one of their legs or arms. For them, this was more like a common occurrence.

"They all come here!" Charles stood on the deck of the cruise, and there was a woman holding Sarah and standing one step behind him. Sarah was still sobbing, but her thoughts were attracted by the men who suddenly appeared on the sea and sky. She felt curious and calmed down a little bit.

Charles brought Sarah here. Francis was responsible for the project on the cruise.

"Boss." Francis stepped forward and stood by Charles. He looked up and down as if he was looking for something.

"Yes." Charles nodded.

"How fast did they get here? Eric, Terence and Ryan have already been there." Francis spoke.

"No hurry." "But the person I want hasn't come yet. What's the use of being anxious here?" said Charles Then he turned to Sarah and asked, "Little guy, do you agree?"

Sarah took a step back and shook her head. Then she nodded immediately like a frightened little rabbit.

"Haha..." Charles suddenly smiled and reached out his arms, saying, "Come here, kid. Let me hug you."

"Yes, Boss." The woman immediately stepped forward and handed Sarah to Charles.

Sarah was reluctant, but she didn't cry any more. In her eyes, Charles didn't look like a bad person and didn't do anything bad to her. Her fear was somewhat relieved. But she didn't know why Charles took her to such a big ship and why there were so many planes flying in the sky.

"Where... Where is my mother?" Sarah asked, trembling.

"Boss!" As soon as Sarah finished, someone ran to them and said, "The person you are waiting for are here."

Charles's eyes lit up. He motioned for that person to push him down and said to Sarah with a smile, "Your mother will be here soon."

"Where is she?" Sarah jumped up with joy.

On the shore, the wound on Ryan's body had been treated, and Terence had been holding a telescope and carefully observing the situation on the deck. He saw three streams of tears on Sarah's face through the telescope, he could see everything clearly but he couldn't catch them. Charles was really good at playing chess, with so many wealthy hostages

"How is it going?" Eric got off the helicopter and said anxiously, "How could Sarah be arrested?"

"It's all my fault. I was too careless." Ruby frowned, full of self blame. In addition to Sarah, the driver of their orphanage, Melody, and the little child who was less than one year old died on the spot. She could not bear it! Ruby said and clenched her fists.

"Ruby." Eric greeted, stepping forward.

"Ruby, it's not your fault." With a sigh, Terence said, "What a surprise! Charles come here so suddenly!"

Ryan walked up and said, "I didn't stop him. But if Spencer has not arrived yet, I want to go on the cruise... "

"Mr. Terence, Ruby, Mr. Eric and Mr. Ryan, Mr. Spencer is here!"

But before Ryan could finish his words, someone ran up to him and said, "Mr. Spencer has arrived."


Hardly had his voice faded away, several helicopters flew in the sky with the sign of the NJ City base on them. The helicopter landed at a landing spot on the shore and several people stared at it closely. Seeing the door open, Spencer jumped down first. After stomping on the ground, he turned around and raised his hand high. The next second, a slender figure appeared in the door.

"Fiona..." Said Ryan with a frown, he saw that Spencer held Fiona in his arms and got off the plane. The two of them rushed to them.

"Where is Sarah? Where is she? " While staggering, Fiona's eyes were red and swollen with tears on her face.

"Slow down!" Spencer stepped forward to protect Fiona.

While they were talking, Fiona ran to them. Terence gave a glance at Spencer and said, "Sarah was on the cruise across the street. Nothing happened. Don't worry."

"On the cruise opposite? !" Shocked, Fiona quickly leaned over and saw Ryan standing behind several people. She was stunned and asked, "Ryan, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Ryan shook his head and a trace of guilt appeared on his face. "It was just that Charles went to see me first last night, but I was hit unconscious in the company and didn't have time to save Sarah."


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