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Take Me Away novel Chapter 226

Fiona was surprised and her face turned red. The love in his eyes had gotten the better of her. Proposal? 'Oh my God! He is proposing to me!

Knock, knock, knock——

In the tranquil air, Fiona's heart was beating harder. She remained silent. She didn't care what Sarah had wished, but in such an atmosphere, the sudden proposal of Spencer caught her off guard.

Spencer fixed his eyes on her to observe any change of expression on her face. "What's wrong? You don't want to do that? You still don't want to do that? Sarah, she wants us to get married! You don't want to see that Sarah to have no father, do you? "

"Isn't my father you?" Sarah raised her head and cream was all over her face.

"Yes." With a faint smile, Fiona gently wiped the cream off her lips. "I'm Sarah's mother, and you're a Sarah's father. Isn't that good?"

"What's good? It's not good at all." Spencer snorted, "Humph! You don't respect Sarah's wish at all!" he shouted

With a smile at the corners of her mouth, Fiona continued, "You've reminded me over and over again, which makes me a little confused. Why did Sarah say those words all of a sudden? Let us Get married? How did she know? "


"Because Daddy said if I said so, he would let me play his gun." Sarah spoke honest. She glanced at Spencer and said, "Isn't it?"

He rubbed his nose awkwardly. Looking at him, Fiona replied, "Well, I knew it.".

After the cake, Spencer and Sarah began to squabble with each other. It was not long since Fiona went out, but when she came back, they were already glued to each other. Sarah kept calling Spencer dad in a cute voice. He even raised his head and looked at Fiona smugly from time to time.

'Perhaps deep down, she has been looking forward to seeing this.

"Mom, why don't you come and listen to dad tell stories too?" Sarah greeted Fiona.

"Come here." Said Spencer with a smile.

The three persons nestled on the bed. Spencer said, "The most intense time was on the snow mountain. The snow was all over the sky and even covered my thighs. I couldn't take a step..."

After finishing his words, Spencer looked around and tried to find out more information. Meanwhile, Fiona continued, "During my pregnancy, Sarah didn't make trouble, while drawing while nourishing the fetus. Unknowingly, the pregnancy lasted for more than ten months."

After the night grew late, Sarah fell asleep in the arms of Spencer. Fiona took her to the other bed in the ward. Spencer moved room for her on the bed, patted it and said, "Come here to sleep."

"Stop it. I'll sleep with Sarah. You should have a good rest," Fiona added

But Spencer got out of the bed quietly when he felt her breathing. After he moved Spencer to his bed, he climbed onto Fiona's bed.

Fiona let out a low groan and felt the movement. When she was about to turn over, she was hugged from behind. Fiona woke up, without struggling, she softly asked, "What's wrong?"

With his head resting on her neck, Spencer replied softly, "Thank you for your hard work."

With a faint smile, Fiona understood what he meant was things about Sarah. She replied, "I'm glad to hear that. It's not a hard work."

"I feel more like a bastard now." Spencer held her even tighter. "I'm sorry. And, thank you for bringing me such a cute daughter."

Suddenly, a lump came into her throat. Thinking of his words, she asked, "You're just bluffing, aren't you? You didn't have the heart to abort this baby, did you?"

"…… Yes. " Spencer nodded heavily, "How could I have the heart to see you cry so sadly. I had decided to let you give birth to the baby. I just didn't expect that I was so wrong. I'll believe every word you say. It was my fault before. Please forgive me, okay? "

With a gleam in her eyes, she joked, "Do you think you can sleep on my bed without my forgiveness?"

"You are right." Spencer smiled, "It feels so good to hold you like this. Like those days three years ago when you were hospitalized, I held you in my arms secretly every night as if I were sleeping with you. At that time, it was cold, and you even went into my arms. "

With her eyes wide open, Fiona faltered, "You... You went to the hospital to hold me in your arms to sleep? It was not a dream. "

Sighing slightly, he added, "You little fool. We are both idiots. "

"You are the fool." Fiona joked, but she still felt it inconceivable.

"You're right. I'm not silly. I know Fiona is smart." Spencer gave her a big kiss on her cheek and said, "I'm so happy today. It's been a long time since the last time I had a peaceful life. I can chat with Sarah and you like this for the rest of my life. And do you know what makes me so happy today? "

"What is it?" Fiona asked softly.

"Sarah calls me dad!" There was delight in his voice. "I know you make her call me that, and I'm happier now. I've never been so happy as today. "

"Do you know what made me so happy?" she asked

"What is it?"

"You woke up." As she spoke, she turned over to face him.

When the soft moonlight swept over the two people, tears were shining in Fiona's eyes. "I've never been so afraid. I'm afraid that you won't wake up, and I'm afraid that you'll forget me again..." Before she finished her words, Fiona had already rushed into his arms. All her movements were as she felt. She opened her arms and embraced him in the waist. "I'm afraid I'm afraid that people around me all leave me. You wake up, I don't know how happy I am. Don't leave me alone again... "


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