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Take Me Away novel Chapter 299

"Is it all right for you to do that? Aren't you afraid that others might gossip about you? " Fiona looked at Spencer but her expression was still light. But she was still worried about him.

"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing." Spencer's eyes turned cold when he thought of that woman, Lilian. And all of a sudden, his Adam's apple rolled in his throat. His eyes lit up and he said hastily, "Wait a minute, Fiona. I'll ask Johnson and Karl to come and explain it to you! And my companions in the past two months can prove that I have nothing to do with Lilian! She is talking nonsense today. I am also scared! "

But instead of responding to him, Fiona heaved a sigh and said, "I'm going to get changed."

"I'll go with you!" Spencer had to keep pace with rosy.

"No way." Fiona shook her head and said, "I want to calm down."

Spencer opened his mouth slightly and then nodded, "Okay."

"Yes." Fiona replied before turning around and going upstairs. Spencer kicked the sofa angrily and took out his cell phone. Then he called Johnson, Karl and his men one by one.

On the other side, Fiona went back to her bedroom to change her wet shoes and thick cotton clothes. Wearing a simple dress, she threw herself on the bed. After thinking for a while, she prepared to make a phone call to talk with Vivian.


In the Louts Moon villa in M City, Vivian had just finished dinner with Sarah. When she saw the call from Fiona, she immediately gave Sarah to Terence and answered the phone in secret.

"Hello? What's up, Fiona? Why are you calling so early? " Vivian answered the phone with a smile, "I have just had dinner with Sarah. I was afraid that she would hear your voice, so I answered the phone secretly."

"Thank you so much, Vivian."

"Not at all," Hearing no response from the other end of the line, Vivian asked, "Fiona, do you have something to tell me?"

Hearing that, Fiona couldn't help but tell her what had just happened. She even added, "To be honest, I believe in Spencer. I just feel tired of dealing with these senseless women. So I want to ask you, Vivian, what should I do? Is there a once and for all solution? "

Upon hearing that, Vivian put on her guard and said, "Fiona, this is not acceptable. Although you trusted him, it has been more than two months since you last met! Even though nothing happened this time, it didn't mean that things would never happen again! Look, that bitch said she was going to marry your husband. That's a crisis! This is the crisis in your life! Cheer up! "

"Really? Is that true?" Suddenly, Fiona was flustered. "I don't think that Spencer would do such a thing!"

"Why not?" Vivian asked, "Look at him. He is powerful, rich and stunning. He is the best of the best. Even if he doesn't mess up with others, others will do the same! Just like this time, if there is any chance that he can't control himself, how about you? "

"Please don't say it, Vivian." Fiona took a deep breath and answered, "What should I do?"

"Hey, is that all you have..."

Vivian had taught her about the trick of catching a husband to be good. That struck Fiona dumb. She asked, "Is that really okay?"

"Don't worry. As long as he loves you, there will be no problem." Vivian patted her chest to assure her, "Don't worry. I am an expert on love. We'll do it after you get out!"

"Well, well." Fiona nodded, while she was speaking, someone knocked at the door, she said, "Vivian, let's just stop here. Someone knocked at the door. Could you please take care of Sarah? "

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Sarah is close to me, and I don't want to return her to you. It's not troublesome at all. " Vivian smiled, the phone was hung up after a small chat. As soon as she hung up the phone, Vivian burst into anger and rushed downstairs.

Downstairs, Terence was watching cartoon with Sarah. Two pretty girls were walking to school together on the TV. However, when Vivian saw this, she became angrier. She went to the sofa and held Sarah in her arms. She glared at Terence and yelled, "Look at you! You have each our Sarah something bad, how could you watch such cartoon! Did you still have not seen the real beautiful girls enough and now wouldn't you let the beautiful girl in the cartoon go? Humph! All men are bastards! "

Terence was taken aback by her words. "Honey, what's wrong? Sarah wants to watch this cartoon! "

"Humph! Don't take Sarah as an excuse! Don't refute! " With a frown, Vivian asked, "Is Spencer your good friend? Are you good friends? "


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