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Take Me Away novel Chapter 4

Fiona stood at the entrance of the graveyard of the western suburb of M City. She was dressed in black and was holding a bunch of chrysanthemums. She slowly trod towards her parents' graves. Their tombs were right next to each other on a hillside from where one could see the entire M City.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Fiona spotted the tombstones. The last time she came here was at the end of February. The school had a lock-down of 100 days because of the college entrance examination so the students couldn't go out.

"Dad, Mom." Fiona gently laid two bunches of chrysanthemums in front of their tombstones. Lowering her eyes, she plucked the weeds out of the cracks of the stones and said, "My exam results are out. I have ranked second in M City and have applied for D University. The offer hasn't come yet, but I'm certain that I'll get admitted. Is your daughter awesome?"

Grandpa Wayne has been in poor health recently, so I have moved to M City. When I was in middle school, I wanted to go back to M City and live in our former house. But our house was pulled down. I was so angry at the time. Grandpa Wayne has bought me a house near the college. So I can visit you more often from now on.

Dad, Mom, you had arranged my betrothal. Why didn't I know that? You should have told me earlier! When Grandpa Wayne suddenly told me about it, I freaked out! Spencer is such an asshole, and he looks so old too! He is nine years older than me. I don't want to marry him. Why did you do this?"

Fiona stopped and smiled before continuing, "Don't worry, I am just complaining. I won't refuse to marry him."

A long time passed before Fiona realized how long she had been sitting there. She had so much to say to them. After saying goodbye to her parents, she walked in another direction of the cemetery with the remaining bunch of chrysanthemums.

Not far away lay the tombstone of Spencer's mother.

Walking over to the tombstone, Fiona gently put the flowers down. Looking at the beautiful young woman in the photo, she sighed, "Aunt Sandra, I'm so sorry. Please don't blame my mother for what happened at that time. She would be very guilty if she had known about the consequences of her actions back then.

I don't blame Spencer at all because I know how painful it is to lose one's parents. Grandpa Wayne told me that Spencer became antagonistic since his father married Aunt Anna.

It's all right if he blames my mother, but Aunt Sandra, please forgive my mother."

A gust of wind made her eyes water. Thinking of Cheng family always reminded her of her dead parents. For so many years, she had been trying to run away from the Cheng family. She thought she would not need Wayne's help anymore when she reached adulthood. But she still couldn't escape.

When Fiona left the cemetery, Victor was still waiting outside.

"Hey, Victor! Thank you so much." She strode over to him quickly.

"It's my pleasure. I just follow Mr. Cheng's orders," Victor answered politely. "Please get in the car."


she replied, sitting in the car. "Victor, will you always go everywhere with me? You are Grandpa Wayne's assistant and I feel uneasy knowing that you will follow me all the time. Besides, this car is just too luxurious."

"Don't worry," Victor smiled. "Mr. Cheng told me that you have recently come to M City and are unfamiliar with the place. He has asked me to be your driver for a few days. Once you become familiar with the place, my job will be done."

Fiona breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, all right. Thank you, Victor."

She then asked him to take her to the hospital. Wayne seemed better today.

"Grandpa Wayne!" she greeted excitedly as soon as she entered the ward.

"Fiona, you are here!" Wayne smiled and beckoned her over. "Come over here!"

Fiona sat on the edge of the bed and took out a blue meal box. "Grandpa Wayne, I made you some lunch. Would you like to taste it? It may not be very delicious."

The smile on the old man's face widened. "Of course! I believe my granddaughter-in-law is a good cook," he remarked.

Hearing this, the nurse quickly set up a small table on the bed and took the food container from her hands.

Fiona's face turned a little red, as she felt awkward when she heard Wayne call her "granddaughter-in-law."

"Fiona, just call me Grandpa as Spencer does," Wayne said.

"Umm... okay." Fiona nodded. The doctor had said that Wayne tended to get irritated easily so she had to obey him.

There was a click of the door knob.

Then, the door was pushed open to reveal Ethan, Anna and Spencer.

Spencer was still in his uniform, looking extremely handsome.

"Oh, Fiona, you have come so early today!" Ethan said with a warm smile.

"Uncle Ethan! Aunt Anna!" Fiona got up from her seat without looking at Spencer.

He in turn shot a cold glare at her, pretending as if nothing had happened yesterday. He walked over to the bed and called, "Grandpa!"


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