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Taming the Beast novel Chapter 14

"Come dance with me!" I giggled, pulling on Gregg’s hand. I was tiny, but I was mighty. I dragged him towards the makeshift dance floor before he had a chance to argue. I turned and pulled him against my backside. He froze for a moment before I slowly slid my backside against his groin. I heard him groan as his hands went to my hips.

"Aw fuck. Keegan is going to kill me," he muttered. I smiled and continued grinding against him. He slowly got more into it as my tipsy state wore off until I was just buzzed. His hands ran over my hips and across my stomach. I shuddered slightly when he unknowingly ran over my scar. I continued dancing anyway. The whole time, I felt his eyes on me. I wanted him to watch. I wanted him to know how it felt. Turning quickly, I reached up slightly and pulled on Gregg's neck; making his lips crash into mine. He froze in shock for a moment before I bit his bottom lip teasingly. He groaned as his hands found my lower back. I moved one of his hands so he was cupping my butt. That only made him groan louder. Gregg was a pretty good kisser. I arched into him before I felt myself being ripped away. Tingles shot up my arm. I knew exactly who it was.

"Hey!" I protested. He dragged me up the stairs and to an empty room. He pushed us inside before he slammed the door, locking it in the process. I crossed my arms and glared at him. I was still buzzed so I still had that warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach... or was that from Keegan's touch? I didn't care. Keegan rubbed a hand down his face before he looked at me incredulously.

"What was that?" he asked, getting straight to the point. My hands moved to my hips.

"That was me having fun. And if you'll excuse me, I would like to get back to Gregg," I said. I smirked suddenly and shrugged a little. "We were having loads of fun." I added. Keegan's face turned bright red as he glared at me. He looked like he wanted to punch something but instead, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes he was calmer.

"What are you doing?" he practically pleaded. His sudden change in tone made me blink in surprise. It also made me feel really guilty. I didn't want to feel guilty. I was suddenly very angry again.

"You don't get to do that! You don't get to come in here with your girlfriend and then dictate who I hook up with," I yelled at him. He flinched.

"You can't hook up with me bet-best friend; that's against... its low, Caroline... and I guarantee that he won't hook up with you tonight. He's too loyal to me," he said softly, catching himself twice. I was pretty buzzed so I barely noticed. I sighed and looked away from him as tears pricked my eyes. I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to cry in front of Keegan. I didn't want to let him know how he affected me. A tear fell anyway. I felt a calming hand cup my cheek as his thumb brushed my tear away. I let out a breath with his touch. I secretly hated that he could make me feel better so easily just by touching me.


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