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Taming the Beast novel Chapter 41

(Keegan’s POV)

Something was wrong. Something was very wrong and I knew it, but Caroline dismissed it like she always does when she’s trying to hide something from me. Danny arriving took everyone’s attention off of Caroline for a moment, including Caroline’s. She was looking a little pale but she smiled and stood to greet him. She mumbled his name before she started falling. I quickly caught her before she hit the ground. I scooped her up in my arms bridal style and looked worriedly over her pale, sweating body. Her brother looked between us confused.

“What happened?” he asked confused. My frantic eyes met his.

“I don’t know,” I answered truthfully. I could feel the guys shuffling restlessly and uncomfortably behind me as they didn’t know what to do. Hell, I didn’t know what to do. I never knew what to do when Caroline got hurt; I always freaked out instead. I was a poor excuse for a boyfriend. Hell, I was a poor excuse for an Alpha. “Mom!” I yelled. She came out all smiles when she saw Danny. She held out a hand to him.

“Hi, I’m Lena; Keegan’s mother,” she introduced herself warmly, not feeling the tension in the air or seeing Caroline’s limp body in my arms.

“Danny,” he said grimly, shaking her hand with his free one. His other arm was holding Preston. His eyes flickered over to me and my mom finally turned around.

“My heavens! Keegan, why are you just standing there?!”  she yelled at me.

“I don’t know what to do!” I yelled back frantically. I was getting more and more anxious and time passed. My mom sighed and rolled her eyes, muttering something about my brain switching off before she looked at me again.

“Get her to the infirmary downstairs,” she instructed. “Tell Dr. Thomas what happened. He’s the one on duty right now,” she said.

“A hospital… downstairs?” Danny asked. That was exactly what Caroline said when she found out. My worried eyes flickered down to her and she muttered something and rested her head against my shoulder, clutching to my shirt like Preston would have. I turned and started walking towards the kitchen.

“You can come with us,” I threw over my shoulder. I heard the shuffling of Danny’s feet behind me as I pulled the door open and walked down the stairs. Dr. Thomas met us in the hallway in front of a room. He motioned us inside. I walked in quickly and set her down on the hospital bed.

“Ninny?” Preston said softly, looking at her. He looked like he was about to cry. Hell, I was about to cry. Caroline stirred a bit on the bed. I pushed her damp hair out of her face. Danny sat in one of the visiting chairs as he looked around amazed. At this point, I didn’t care if everything was exposed to him. I just wanted Caroline to be okay. Dr. Thomas came back and set her up on an IV of fluids. He put a cold towel on her head and checked her vitals, hooking her up to a monitor. The machine came to life as it started beeping to match her heartbeats. Dr. Thomas pushed lightly on her stomach. She yelled out in pain as he pushed on her side where I marked her. My eyes widened as he lifted her shirt lightly, exposing the bandage. He undid the bandage to reveal a very purple area. Her dark veins were visible on her pale skin. The teeth marks were raised slightly. Dr. Thomas sighed before replacing the bandage.

“Mr. Porter, could I speak with you alone for a moment?” he asked knowingly. My eyes flickered to Danny, who was staring at his sister. When he realized that we were looking at him, he stood quickly.

“I’ll be upstairs,” he muttered before he hurried off. Dr. Thomas waited until we heard the door at the top of the stairs close before he looked back to me.

“You marked her? Are you crazy? She’s human!” he hissed at me. I sighed and hunched over a little bit.

“She’s my mate and I love her,” I said desperately.

“You poisoned her,” he countered quietly. My eyes went to her sleeping form.

“Can you fix it?” I asked. He sighed before he nodded.


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