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Taming the Beast novel Chapter 46

“So… he’s my… protector?” I asked slowly, a little shocked by all this new information. Keegan looked at me and nodded.

“She’s Luna? But she’s human?” he asked shocked as his eyes flickered to me. I rolled my eyes.

“I can’t wait till you change me so I don’t have to hear that all the time,” I muttered to Keegan. Aiden eyes went wide.

“You’re changing her?!” he screeched. Keegan’s grip tightened around my waist. He tensed and shot me a look before he looked back to Aiden with a clenched jaw.

“We’re… thinking about it… and she’s not Luna yet,” he said hesitantly. I pouted as I looked at Keegan.

“I thought you said-”

“Caroline, not now,” he warned. I crossed my arms and glared at the floor. Okay, so maybe I was acting like Preston would have, but that just goes to show that I’ve been spending way too much time with him. Not that I was complaining.

“I accept your invitation,” Aiden said after a moment. I looked at him as my glare dropped. Aiden rubbed the back of his neck nervously as his cheeks turned pink. “Plus, I hate being a rogue. It’s really hard,” he admitted. I smiled and wiggled out of Keegan’s grip. This meant I had an attractive new friend, and for some reason, that made me really happy. I walked over and grabbed his wrist. Keegan growled lowly with his arms crossed before I shot him a scowl. He rolled his eyes before he started walking ahead of us. I pulled Aiden along excitedly by his wrist. I don’t know why, but taking Aiden in made me feel like babying him.

“Let’s get you showered and into some fresh clothes. You could probably fix some of Keegan’s clothes,” I said turning my head to look back at him. He blushed which was super adorable by the way. Keegan only huffed and kept walking. He was like a pouting toddler who didn’t want to share his toys… it was so cute. I decided to hold off on questions about Aiden until after he had a hot shower.

We entered the house through the front door. Instantly, all the guys looked at us and then to Aiden who I was still towing by the wrist. They gave Keegan a questioning look. Keegan only crossed his arms and rolled his eyes before he looked away from us.

“Caroline got a new pet,” Keegan said while scowling at the floor. I let go of Aiden and smacked Keegan’s arm as hard as I could as I glared at him. I know that it didn’t hurt him, but he flinched anyway as he looked at me.

“I swear Keegan, one more word from you and you’ll be in the doghouse for a month,” I yelled at him. He looked at me incredulously as the guys started rolling from how hard they were laughing. Lena came down from the stairs and looked at the lot of us before her eyes landed on Aiden. She glared at Keegan.

“Keegan Porter, you know our policy about rogues,” she said slowly as she walked down the rest of the stairs and into the living room. The guys sobered up and watched Lena carefully. Keegan was about to say something but I beat him to it.

“Aiden’s not going to hurt anybody! This creepy guy was going to kill me and he saved me. His eyes were purple. Keegan said he’s a Luna protector,” I said in a rush. Everyone froze and looked at Aiden who dropped his gaze to the floor. It was quiet for almost two minutes as no one said anything.

“Not possible,” Lena finally said, shaking her head.

“We could test it… just to be sure,” Trevor said. I silently thanked Trevor mentally before I shrugged at Keegan. He growled.

“I’m not putting Caroline in danger just to prove that her lapdog’s eyes change colors,” he snapped at Trevor. I glared at Keegan.

“What did I say about the names?!” I yelled at him. He looked at me shocked.

“You were serious about that?” he asked. I only crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him. Oh I was dead serious. “Caroline, you can’t be serious,” he said, almost trying to convince himself.

“Keegan, I was serious, and I still am. You’re in the doghouse,” I said turning away from him. The guys all snickered. Even Aiden smiled a little.

“Back to this mythical Luna protector thing,” Gregg said after a moment.

“Do it,” I authorized. “Come at me Gregg. Keegan, stay back,” I warned. He sighed and looked at the ceiling before he went to stand next to his mom. Gregg stood and smirked before he came charging at me. By the rate in which he was running, I knew it was going to hurt. I squeezed my eyes shut as my heart dropped and waited for the impact but it never came. I heard a body slam to the floor before growling shook the house. I opened my eyes to see that Aiden had his hand around Gregg’s throat. Aiden was crouching about Gregg as he growled. Gregg’s eyes widened as he looked at Aiden.

“Holy… crap,” Gregg breathed. Aiden released Gregg and stood before he looked at everyone else sheepishly. His eyes were that lilac color again. Gregg shuffled from underneath him and went to sit on the couch again.


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