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Taming the Beast novel Chapter 59

(Caroline's POV)

I groaned and touched my arm gingerly. All I felt was a thick piece of gauze covering a hole a little bigger than a bullet wound. Everything came rushing back to me. My own brother; I wondered how he was taking all of this. I never in a million years wanted him to find out. Tenderly, I blinked my eyes open. I looked around the white washed room until my eyes finally landed on a figure sitting in a chair, bouncing his leg nervously.

"Aiden," I croaked. He shot up and handed me a cup of water. I took a generous sip and thanked him. He took my hand gently in his.

"I'm so glad that you're okay," he whispered. His eyes were red and puffy like he'd been crying. "It's all my fault. I'm so sorry. I should've been protecting you better. I shouldn't have let you go back by yourself," he started rambling. I shook my head.

"It's not your fault. She would've found a way to me eventually," I brushed him off and looked around the nearly empty room. I felt my hear sink. "Aiden, where's Keegan?" I asked softly. Aiden avoided my eyes as he fiddled with his hands. I felt tears sting my eyes as I thought of the worst. I whispered Aiden name once more to catch his attention. He sighed and tugged on his hair.

"He won't... he doesn't want to see you like this. He's been locked up in his room since we got here," Aiden answered. I inhaled sharply. It was worst than thinking that he couldn't see me; he didn't want to see me. That hurt more than anything I could've imagined.

"What do you mean 'he won't'?" I asked hoarsely. Aiden shrugged.

"He hates seeing you like this, so he just... avoided seeing you all together," he tried to explain. "I'll go get him," Aiden said quickly. I felt the tears trickle down my face as I sniffled.

"Don't bother," I seethed before I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Aiden was by my side in a second.

"What are you doing?!" he asked as his eyes bulged. I sighed as I pressed my feet to the floor and stood on shaky legs.

"We're going home," I said softly. Aiden scooped me up and carried me up the stairs without another word. Aiden set me down when we reached my brother in the living room. Preston was playing with Karma on the floor. As soon as my brother saw me, he jumped up and wrapped me in a hug.

"Oh thank God," he sighed in relief at the same time I hissed in a breath and held my tender shoulder. I glared at him as he pulled away.

Chapter 59 (Caroline) 1

Chapter 59 (Caroline) 2


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