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Taming the Beast novel Chapter 7

(Caroline's POV)

I reached up and spiked the ball over the net. The other team scrambled but they just couldn't return it. The sound of skin skidding on polished wood floor stung my ears. Personally, I hated the sound, but it came with the territory of being a volleyball player. The ball hit the floor and the whistle blew. I smiled as I jogged over to my other teammates, giving them high-fives. I hugged Stacy and Mariana at the same time; our little group hug taking place in the middle of our side of the court. We'd just won the game. I smiled as I let go. Stacy's eyes flickered over to the bleachers before a suspicious smirk appeared on her face.

"I think cafeteria boy is keeping tabs on you," she said. I glance over to see Keegan with a group of boys that were well-known around the school. Of course he would be in with the popular crowd his second day here. I saw that coming a mile away. He was sitting with Gregg, Trevor, Asher, and Nick, and he seemed to be the leader of them.



Gregg was a firecracker. He was wild and unpredictable; also a bit of a prankster. Trevor was actually kind of shy and sweet, but he would still make trouble with the boys. Asher was the obnoxious one. Out of everyone, you would always be able to hear him when he talked. He was always so damn loud. And Nick was the pervert; point blank. The boys around him were being rowdy, but Keegan was as calm as a cucumber, and his eyes were trained on me. He gives a small smile which I return before turning back to my girls.

"You're being ridiculous," I roll my eyes at her. Mariana and Stacy went to go talk to their families and I walk towards the bleachers as my eyes scan the bleachers for Danny and Preston.

"Good game," a deep, familiar voice said from behind me. I turn on my heels quickly to face Keegan. He's smirking at me slightly as his eyes take in my attire openly. I cross my arms over my chest and shift my weight to my right foot.

"So, what, you're stalking me now?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He chuckles before he jabs his thumb back in the direction of his rowdy friends.


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