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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Letitia nodded and sald with gratitude, “Okay, okay, I got It.”

Thank God The baby’s still there. She joyfully lifted her hand to wipe away her tears.

But Elgin suddenly grabbed her chin fiercely. “Letitia, why the hell does your kid get to live?!”

The same fall, the same tumbling down the stairs, his and Shela’s kid was gone.

And Letitia comes out unscathed? That’s just not fair!

Forced to look up. Letitia met his gaze. “The baby Shela was carrying… didn’t make it?”

“That’s right!”

“I get where you’re coming from; being a dad for the first time, you must’ve been dreaming about what it’s like to have a kid,” she said. *But seriously, it wasn’t my doing. I didn’t do anything.”

Elgin gritted his teeth, veins popping on his forehead, and enunciated every word-

“It was you who fell and dragged Shela down the steps with you. I saw it clear as day! You’ve been out to get her, it’s been on your mind for ages!”

Letitia shook her head, her voice soft but resolute, “I didn’t.”

“No means no. If I messed up, I’d own it, I’d apologize. But if it’s not my fault, I’m not taking the rap for it!” Letitia thought

But Elgin wouldn’t believe her He only trusted his own eyes, believed Shela’s wailing and sobbing

“Letitia, your Sanders family now owes me two lives, Elgin looked straight into her eyes, “and that’s a debt you can never repay!”

There was a sadness in Letitia’s eyes as she met his gaze. Truth is, the Sanders family didn’t owe him a single life.

“I swear, I’d curse myself, Letitia said, “if I, Letitia, had even the slightest intention of harming Shela’s baby, then may I be struck by lightning, die a horrible death, and never be reincarnated!” She spat out each word with conviction, her gaze unwavering.

Elgin thought, if he hadn’t seen with his own eyes the moment they both fell, maybe he would ve believed Letitia.

“Your act doesn’t work on me, Elgin released her, “Get up and go back with me!”

Letitia’s chin was marked with a deep red imprint from his grip.

She felt weak all over, speaking was an effort, let alone walking.

“I’ll come back, but not right now,” Letitia replied. “I need to wait until I… Ah!”

Before she could finish, Elgin yanked her right off the hospital bed and scooped her into his arms.

Letitia had no choice but to cling to his neck, “Elgin!”

He was silent, lips pressed tight.

Neil looked like he wanted to say something, but a cold glance from Elgin shut him down, “Stay out of this, it’s family business.

Neil was in a tough spot.

On one hand, he wanted to help Letitia, but Letitia was Mr. Ramirez’s mistress…

Such a good girl, why’d she have to go down that road?

Seeing Neil’s expression, Letitia thought Elgin might have spilled the beans about their secret marriage.

Spousal issues, indeed, others shouldn’t interfere

So she felt a twinge of guilt, “I’m sorry, Mr. Thompson… I’ll never forget this favor”

“Don’t mention it. As long as you’re doing well, that’s all that matters to me.”

In the vast sea of people, having someone who’s neither kith nor kin yet willing to lend a hand is already a stroke of luck.

Letitia thought, when the opportunity arises, she’d definitely repay this kindness.

Elgin carried her out with long strides.

The hospital was bustling, and with Elgin’s striking looks and strong presence, they turned more than a few heads.


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