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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Jealousy completely hijacked Elgin’s reason. He was green with envy over her young romance with Walden, envious of their engagement and becoming an item, but what ate him up the most was that even though Walden had left her life, she was still all about Walden in her heart!

Letitia was gobsmacked for a hot second, “Really, I. I did dream about him.”

“Do you miss him?”

“No..” Before she could finish, Elgin’s hand was already choking her neck.

He really did it, as if the gentle Elgin who watched her sleep never existed!

“Letitia, do you have any clue how low you’ve stopped? Do you think Walden would ever pick things back up with you? He’s a young master of the Sullivan family, and you? What are you?”

Elgin spelled it out. “You’re damaged goods!”

Her face turned ghostly pale, “Elgin, what gives you the right to sling mud at me like that?”

“Am I wrong? You say the kid isn’t Walden’s, fine, I’ll buy that. But you can’t even say who the father is! A woman who hops into bed with anyone and gets knocked up, what kind of tramp do you think you are?”

Damaged goods Tramp That’s how he labeled her.

After hearing this, Letitia let out a desolate chuckle, “Right, I’m such a dirty woman, totally unworthy of being by your side. Elgin, let’s call it quits right now!”

As soon as the words “call it quits” came out, they struck a raw nerve in Elgin.

“You think you’re even in a position to say that?” Elgin’s grip tightened, forcing her to look up at him, “Letitia, I’m the one who says we’re done. You just wait for my say-so!”

“Can’t handle getting dumped by me, can you?

“Letitial Elgin’s roar almost blew the roof off.

“I hit the nail on the head, and that’s why you’re pissed” Letitia looked at him. “It’s always women throwing themselves at you… but I’m the exception. You don’t get that sense of achievement with me, just a constant feeling of frustration, right?”

She had him pegged Women who were into Elgin were a dime a dozen. Heiresses, socialites, celebs which one of them wouldn’t want to marry into the Ramirez family and score a social leap? Only Letitia couldn’t care less!

He married her, but she felt the Mrs. Ramirez title was anything but a comfy seal.

Clearly, she was the underdog, an ant in Elgin’s hand, easily crushed, yet she refused to bend the knee.

This seriously fired up Elgin’s conquering instinct! He wanted to see Letitia smitten with him, unable to live without him!

But she was just numb to him, her heart set only on the baby in her belly!

Even though she hit the bullseye, Elgin would never admit it!

“Heh, Letitia, don’t flatter yourself too much Elgin scoffed, “Don’t forget, you’re the daughter of the man who killed my father. I feel nothing for you but hatred, and the urge to torment!”

Letitia was gasping for air, her hands grasping Elgin’s wrist, “So are we calling it quits or not?”

“Don’t you dare say those words again!”

“Elgin… can’t you bear to let me go?”

As the words fell, Elgin’s grip on her throat tightened even more.

Letitia couldn’t make a sound

Elgin’s eyes were bloodshot. He hated her, and also loved her. But how could he love her like this?!

A tear involuntarily rolled down Letitia’s cheek. She didn’t beg for mercy or struggle, she just quietly looked at Elgin with a calm, unwavering gaze.

As if dying at his hand would be just fine.

Eigin’s hand started to tremble, Letitia, I gave you chance after chance, and you didn’t cherish them. Fine, very well, then don’t blame me for being ruthless with you from now on!”

Chapter 121 1


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