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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 14

Chapter 14

She gasped, quickly straightening up, “Nothing, I’m leaving right now!”

Just two steps out, she locked eyes with Walden, who looked completely flabbergasted.

Letitia was frozen too. What on earth was Walden doing here? Turns out, the client Elgin was meeting was him!

“This is the ‘rat’ I was talking about, Elgin said coolly, “My apologies for the absurdity.”

Letitia flashed a polite smile, “Sorry for the intrusion, carry on.”

She walked past Walden without giving him a second glance, as if he was a total stranger.

Walden had that look like he had a lot to say but couldn’t spit it out.

Just then, Elgin called out to her, “Wait.”

She turned around, “Mr. Ramirez?”

“Letitia, Elgin asked, if I remember correctly, you majored in jewelry design in college.”

Jewelry design… Back then, Letitia was the Sanders family’s shining jewel, carefree, only chasing love and dreams, so

she chose the major she loved.

Her designs in college won awards frequently and earned unanimous praise in the industry.

And now? She was just a speck of dust, using up all her strength just to stay alive.

“Yes,” Letitia nodded, “But I didn’t finish my degree.”

She had one year left when Elgin showed up and took her away to the psychiatric ward.

From then on, her life took a drastic turn.

No sooner had she finished speaking when the office door was pushed open from the outside.

In came a man with an extremely suave demeanor, smiley eyes, and a rogue smile on his lips.

It was Samson Stewart. He was the VP of the Ramirez Group, Elgin’s best buddy, with killer work skills.

Samson raised an eyebrow, “Gin, you hauled me back from the European division just to set up a jewelry brand under my wing?”

“Yep. And, you’re also taking over the entertainment division.”

Samson nearly jumped, “You’re diving into showbiz too?”

“Why not?” Elgin responded nonchalantly, “Or do you think you can’t handle both departments?”

“You’re trying to work me to death. Even the workhorses don’t bust their humps like this!”

I’ll give you a raise.”

“I’m not short on cash,” Samson spread his hands, “I get the jewelry brand. But showbiz? That’s a different beast… What made you want to take the plunge??”

Elgin sipped his coffee, “For a woman.”,

“Oh! For that new bride of yours, huh!”

-Letitia on the side felt even more embarrassed.

Samson kept gossiping, “Gin, you sure your kidneys can handle it? Control your sex life!*

Elgin kicked him without any courtesy, “What about the stuff I asked for?”

“Right Here.”

Samson took out a stack of design drafts, and Elgin handed them to Letitia, “These are Sunbeam Gems’ designs. Check them out see if you can spot any flaws

Chapter 14


“Out with it, Elgin lifted his chin slightly, “I want the truth.”

Walden was also watching her

“Alright” Letitia pointed at the drafts. The overall design level of ‘Sunbeam Gems has seriously declined over the past three years. The only reason they’re still popular is because of the brand’s legacy First off, the targeting is unclear Is

Sunbeam Gems aiming for the high end market or the average consumer? Next, the styles are outdated, completely lacking innovation They should bring in some fresh

gn talent

Letitia rattled on confidently her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm

Elgin crossed his arms and watched her at an angle

Right now, she was exceptionally charming, no longer meek or lowly, there was light in her eyes.

“That’s what I’ve got for now, Letitia said. “Sorry if it’s laughable

But Elgin nodded in satisfaction, “Good you hit the nail on the head about ‘Sunbeam Gems’ current situation”

Just as he had thought Letitia seemed to surprise him again

Walden’s face looked a bit ugly, but he still said “Criticism leads to improvement. Mr. Ramirez, about our


“I’ll give it some thought”



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