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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Letitia’s eyes were rimmed with red.

“Are you really that strapped for cash? Elgin stared at her, “So desperate that you’re picking up trash and tossing your pride to the wind?”

“Yes! I need money! What’s pride? What’s dignity? The moment you chucked me into the loony bin, I lost all that! Just being alive costs me way more effort than the average Joe!

You’re Mr. Ramirez, high and mighty, worth billions. Of course, you’d never stoop to this level. But me? I’m nothing. You snap your fingers, and I’m supposed to commute on foot to work. Is it such a crime to scrape together enough for bus fare? I knew you’d find out sooner or later, but I’m more scared of being broke than I am of your temper!”

Letitia quickly cleaned her tears and squatted down to pick up the scattered items again.

“Stop picking those up!”

Continuing, she didn’t listen to his words.

“Letitia, I said stop picking those up!” Elgin scooped her up in one motion.

“Let go of me!”

Elgin kicked the bottles out of the way and dumped Letitia into the car.

Ranen’s face was a picture of panic, “Mr. Ramirez…

“Get lost!”

“Yes, sir.

“Pick up those damn bottles!”


Ranen, “… Yes, Mr. Ramirez.

When the boss fights, the assistant suffers.

Not only got kicked out of the car in the dead of night but also sent to collect trash.

Elgin sat in the driver’s seat and floored the accelerator.

Letitia’s head nearly smashed into the windshield.

She hurried to buckle up; at this speed, she wouldn’t put it past her life being on the line.

She can’t die.

Not before because of her parents. And certainly not now; she’s got a baby to think of!

“Slow down… Ah! Letitia didn’t even dare open her eyes, “Elgin, we’re going to crash!”

Elgin, wordless, gripped the steering wheel, zipping past cars, turning the sedan into a race car.

Letitia was thrown around by inertia until they reached Ivory Towers, where Elgin finally hit the brakes.

The car skidded toward the steps, tires screeching against the pavement, stopping less than five centimeters away.

Letitia was drenched in a cold sweat. Her legs trembling, she jumped out of the car and started retching by the side.

Eigin looked on coldly, “Drama queen.”

1.1 get car sick!”

“You seem to have thrown up more than once. He squinted, “What’s up with that?”

Letitia panicked inside, fearing he’d connect the dots to morning sickness.

So she blurted out quickly. It’s the greasy soup, I’m not used to it. Hospital food was trash, so my stomach’s weak now i cant handle anything too rich!”

Elgin remembered Phedra’s soup and was equally annoyed, “Then don’t eat them anymore!”

“You said it!” Letitia looked at him. “No take-backs.”

He was worried… there was already something wrong with the soup, and her frequent vomiting had him concerned for her health. But soon he found an excuse for himself, Letitia was for him to punish, how could she be taken down by a bowl of soup!

“Also, no more trash picking!” Elgin warned. “If I catch you again…”

“You think I enjoy it?

“Isn’t it just for bus fare? Starting tomorrow, you ride with me to and from work.” Elgin declared, “Happy now?”

Letitia was taken aback, that was even worse than walking


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