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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Unable to contain her emotions, tears streamed down Letitia’s face.

When she was at the end of her rope, a miracle happened.

“Thank you, thank you. Letitia kept saying, “This money means so much to me.

With these forty grand, plus her ten grand salary, her mom could get her pill this month!

Walden asked, “What do you need the money for?”

“My mom woke up,” Letitia said. “She needs her special medicine.”

Walden was just as thrilled, “Really? That’s fantastic! Letitia, can I go visit her?”

She needed Elgin’s approval just to see her own mom. Let alone Walden. But she’d lied to her mom, saying she and Walden were together, so she had to drag him along to show face.

“Not just yet, Letitia replied. “When there’s a chance, I’ll let you know.”

“Alright.” Walden nodded. “Letitia, you’ve got your mom back.”

That comment had Letitia bawling. Her life’s been so damn tough, but the stars aligned just a little, bringing her mom

back to her

Yeah, I’ve got my mom now, Letitia whispered. “I’m not alone.”

Money in hand, Letitia dashed to the hospital, to pay up and get the meds.

She implored the doc, Please, give it to her ASAP. I’ll find a way to cover next month’s meds, I promise.”

“Sure thing.


Letitia’s heart could finally rest.

By the time she finished up and got back to Ivory Towers, it was already night. She walked into the living room, the servants silently bustling, not daring to make a peep.

“Mrs. Ramirez, you’re back, the butler said. “Mr. Ramirez is waiting upstairs for you.”

“I know.” Letitia headed to the master bedroom.

The lengthy hallway was eerily silent, to the point where she could hear her own heartbeat.

She pushed open the master bedroom door and caught Elgin’s gaze, sharp as a knife, fixed on her.

“You’re back?

“Yeah.” She swallowed hard, inching closer, and when she saw the neat stack of fifty grand by Elgin, she covered her mouth in shock.

But Elgin just smirked, “That’s your money, so what are you scared of?”

That smile sent shivers down her spine. The cash she’d just dropped at the hospital was now in Elgin’s hands.

“What did you do instead of getting the abortion?” Elgin’s smile deepened “Tell me, where’d you get all that cash?”

The broader his smile appeared to be, the deeper his inner fury simmered!

Letitia almost wished for Elgin’s rage instead of this eerie calm.

“..I borrowed it.”

Who’d lend to you, huh?” Elgin pressed. “Who’d dare?”

icfitia’s mind faced, blurting out, “Samson.”

Sorry, Mr. Stewart, she thought, but she had to throw him under the bus Because he was Elgin’s friend, nothing would Come of it.

Chapter 49

“Are you sure? Elgin leaned in, his eyes dangerous.


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