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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Realizing she’d put her foot in it, Phedra quickly clapped a hand over her mouth “Never mind. Now that you’ve married into the Ramirez family, you must play by the rules. Look at yourself. What a mess!”

Letitia raised her hand to cover up. “I’ll go change right now”

“What an embarrassment. I can’t figure out what Elgin sees in you. Any darling daughter from AquaCity would be a step. up from you…”

Phedra said with disdain when suddenly a grey suit jacket was draped over Letitia’s shoulders.

A wave of warmth enveloped her, carrying a familiar scent.

“No matter what, she’s not embarrassing you,” Elgin pulled her into his arms. “Phedra, you’re sticking your nose too far

into this

Letitia instinctively tried to pull away, worried about getting him wet or dirty.

But Elgin held on firmly, making her more anxious. What was wrong with him?

She was the one who got drenched, not him. Was he out of his mind?

Seeing him, Phedra quickly put on a smile. “Elgin, I was just setting some boundaries for my daughter-in-law.”

“My rules are the only rules. Letitia doesn’t need to follow yours!”

Phedra’s smile froze on her face, and Letitia was even more stiff.

Did she hear that right? Was Elgin sticking up for her?

And Elgin, holding her tenderly, headed towards the villa. Butler, show the guest out.”

“Yes, Mr. Ramirez

Letitia was uncomfortable, not daring to move. “Was that your mother?”

“Just a stepmother”

“Oh… Letitia replied, “You spoke up for me just now, and she must feel offended.”

Elgin answered indifferently. So what?” He could not care less

“She’s got no right to bully you.” Elgin’s lips barely moved. “In all the world, I’m the only one who gets to bully you.”

Letitia’s heart skipped a beat. Even the right to insult her was his alone but no one else’s.

“Did you apologize to Phedra just now? is that so?

Letitia looked down. Yep

“Slap yourself.”

She met his gaze, puzzled about what she had said wrong. Was it because she had apologized to Phedra?

Elgin didn’t bother to explain but just arched an eyebrow indifferently. His word was law.

With a “smack,” Letitia bit her lip and slapped herself hard.

It had to be loud and forceful, and her cheek needed to show a red mark to satisfy Elgin.

Otherwise, there would be a second slap, a third… until he was pleased.

‘Not bad. You’re getting the hang of it, Elgin pointed to the thermos on the coffee table. “Go on. Open it”

Letitia did as told.

The aroma wafted out when she lifted the lid, tantalizing her appetite.

‘This is.

Soup from Phedra.”

1 stala jemembered her mother also made her soup, but she could never taste her mother’s cooking again.

The chances of waking from a vegetative state were slim to none

Suddenly, 12tiba wanted to cry but dared not, blinking rapidly to push back the tears

Elgin, lounging with legs crossed chin up “Letitia, eat the soup”

Huh? He wanted her to eat it?

“It doesn’t seemy night Letitia said. Phedra brought this for you

“Just eat it Figuns tone grew impatient Trom now on you’ll eat all the soups she brings me”

He even picked up the spoon, scooped up some soup and brought it to her lips.

I can do it myself

Open your mouth”

Letitia had no choice but to open her mouth


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