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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53

The butler responded calmly, “Ms Ward, you gotta make it happen before you talk like this.”

Shela was about to lose her cool when the door swung open, and Elgin stepped out.

“Tell the hospital to keep a close eye on Malinda, and don’t let Letitia anywhere near!” he ordered. “If anyone screws up, you’re in for it!”

“Mr. Ramirez, about the medicine…”

“Don’t give it to her!”

The butler shook his head with a tinge of regret. It was so close! Damn Shela, if she had shown up just a few minutes later, Malinda would have gotten her meds for the month!

Shela was smirking with satisfaction, ‘See, you want to help Letitia? Not gonna happen!”

Shela’s mood was sky-high.

Elgin, with a stormy expression on his face, headed to the office.

The moment Ranen saw him, he thought, “Oh crap. Mr. Ramirez looked enraged, so he’d better not provoke him today.

Sure enough, Ranen’s hunch was spot on.

In the CEO’s office, the execs were coming and going, each one getting chewed out royally.

Elgin held his fifth teacup, the former ones had been smashed to smithereens.

“Ranen,” a secretary asked, “What’s got Mr. Ramirez so fired up today?”

“I’m clueless, he’s been like this since he got in.”

“We all better tread lightly today”

Ranen nodded, “Just do your job, and get someone to clean up the broken teacups

“Got it, Ranen”

At the Ramirez Group, everyone was nervous.

Mr. Ramirez lashed out at the execs, the execs at the managers, the managers at the staff…

Letitia listened to her colleagues gossip about Elgin, eyes cast down.

He had the power, his mood swings had everyone walking on eggshells. And her? Even with cash in hand, she couldn’t buy her mom’s meds.

Letitia texted Walden, [I’ll pay you back in a couple of days.]

Right after she sent it, Walden’s call came through.

Seeing his number, Letitia didn’t pick up. She couldn’t keep seeing Walden, it would only bring him trouble.

Their past romance was over, square and fair, that’s where it should end.

Seeing she didn’t answer, Walden sent her some texts-

[Letitia, has your mom taken her meds? How is she?]

[When can you take me to see her?]

[Letitia? Just reply to me ]

Her heart ached reading Waldens messages.

No matter how hard she and Walden tried to save her mother, they were no match for a single word from Elgin, who reigned supreme.

“Madam,” Ranen suddenly appeared with a low voice, “Mr. Ramirez wants to see you.”

*Oh, did he say what for?”

Renen shook his head.

Letitia stood up and walked to the CEO’s office.

Behind her, colleagues whispered.

Going to Mr. Ramirez’s office now? Oof, she’s gonna suffer

Mr Ramirez summoning her? Isn’t Remirez Romantica all good?”

knows? I noticed Letitia’s often in the CEO’s office.”

hapter 63

“Could it be she and Mr. Ramirez have some shady business going on?”

“Shh, don’t spread rurnors.”


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