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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57

“Stay out of women’s business.” Vidonia suggested, making a face as she ushered Letitia into the office.

Samson was speechless. Looks like he’s just a tool for them to get out of trouble, gets ditched as soon as the job’s done.

“Man, women are such a hassle.”

Inside the office.

‘Thanks, Vidonia, said Letitia. “After all these years, whenever there’s trouble, you’re still my frontline.”

“We’re best friends, aren’t we? But I need you to be straight with me, no secrets, okay? Letitia, friendship needs tending to as well.”


Vidonia looked at her, “Even if Shela can’t stand you, it’s strange that she hates you to this extend Is there something else going on between you two?”

After a few seconds of silence, Letitia spilled the beans about that night

“I don’t know who the man is, but I’m carrying his child. Shela and the dean both know, but they won’t tell me… She told me to get rid of the baby”

“No wonder..” Vidonia’s jaw dropped, “So you’re, you’re pregnant now?”


“No wonder she. I mean, get rid of it? You don’t even know who the baby daddy is!”

Letitia looked down, murmuring. “I believe he’ll come for me.”

“Letitia, don’t be silly. Some guy you don’t recognize and know nothing about ain’t worth it”

“That night, though I saved him, you could also say he saved me. After I ran into that room, Mark’s goons never showed up again, they didn’t dare to bust in That tells me he’s somebody important.”

Letitia’s voice was soft, “I think he just hasn’t found me yet. He said he wanted to marry me.”

Even though he was drugged that night, he was a perfect gentleman.

Vidonia asked, “Have you fallen for him?”

Letitia sighed, “Love is too much of a luxury in my life, I can’t even entertain the idea”

“What now?” Vidonia was pacing, all worked up. “Are you going to keep the baby?”

“Yeah. I want this baby, not for anyone else, just for me.”

Babies are little angels

Letitia thought, the baby chose her to be his mom, and she couldn’t let him down.

After a long, hard think, Vidonia finally said, “Alright, if that’s your choice, I respect it and I’m with you all the way!”

Letitia gave a warm smile. With Vidonia by her side, she was truly grateful. She felt her strength renewed

“If it’s meant to be…” Letitia said, “I might meet the baby’s father again, or maybe, he’ll never even know.”

“No worries, your baby has not only you, but me as his family!”

“You betcha, Vidonia, you’ve gotta be the godmother.”

Vidonia gnnned, “You know it Okay, for my godson’s sake, I’ll snoop around about that night’s events, maybe we’ll track down the guy”

“Right!” Letitia nodded and walked out.

“Take it easy, slow down” Vidonia carefully helped her, muttering. “You’re pregnant now… Oh boy, just yesterday I was egging you on to throw punches, what if you’d gotten worked up?”

Letitia laughed, “I’m not that fragile. But being cared for felt really good.

Back at her desk, Letitia found a huge parcel.


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