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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Letitia was utterly stunned as she watched the doctor’s lips moving.

Elgin actually hadn’t gone through with it he didn’t taken her baby away! Instead, he had instructed the doctor to save the baby. Why, though? This was so not his style!

Had Elgin suddenly grown a heart?

“Relax, both you and the fetus are stable,” the doc said. “Rest up for a couple of days and you’ll be good to leave.”

She nodded dumbly, her hand caressing her belly. Her baby was still there.

Letitia broke into a grin, her eyes curving into crescents. She hadn’t lost her baby! But why, when she had tearfully accused Elgin of killing her child, why hadn’t he spilled the beans?

And, she had even bitten him. Yet, he kept mum.

Elgin’s thought process was truly bizarre and puzzling. Letitia couldn’t for the life of her figure out what he was thinking.

He had the chance to get rid of the baby but chose not to, and he didn’t even want to tell her himself. Could it be her death wish had really freaked him out?

“Letitia? Letitia?” Vidonia waved her hand in front of Letitia’s face repeatedly, “What’s got you so spaced out?”

She blinked, “Oh… it’s nothing.”

“As a mom-to-be, you gotta be careful. You nearly scared me to death,” Vidonia said as she pulled up a chair to sit. “I’ve got a new role now, godmother to your kid, so I better step up.”

Letitia couldn’t stop grinning at her.

Vidonia was confused by her laughter, “Hey, you look so weird, what’s wrong?”

Letitia hugged her tightly, “It’s just… I’m over the moon. Getting back what you lost feels so amazing.”

“What did you lose?”

“Let’s eat first!” Letitia said, “I’m starving, and so is the baby!”

“I’m hungry too! Vidonia replied, “As soon as I heard you were hospitalized, I rushed over.”

“Let’s dig in together! There’s way too much for me to finish anyway.”

Vidonia grabbed a fork, “Alright, let’s see what your personal chef’s made for you.”

Laughter and lively chatter filled the hospital room. The previous gloom and doom vanished into thin air!

Two days later, the doctor said Letitia could be discharged.

Packing her things, her back to the door, she heard the familiar, steady footsteps approaching.

It was Elgin.

She knew the sound of his footsteps all too well.

After she bit him that day, she hadn’t seen him since. She thought he wouldn’t show up… but there he was, as she was about to be discharged.

Letitia continued packing without looking up

Elgin stood in the doorway, his gaze quietly fixed on her silhouette, until Letitia turned around.

Their eyes met, and Letitia glanced at his shoulder, noting nothing unusual.

She figured it wasn’t too serious… it was just a bite. After all, his muscles were so tough she even complained her teeth hurt.

“Let’s go home.” Elgin said coolly, ever the ice king.

Okay. She picked up her bag and walked up to him.

He turned and led the way. It seemed like they were giving each other the silent treatment, neither willing to utter an extra word.

Put Letitia would have to cave in eventually. She was no match for Elgin.

How’s your shoulder?” she asked

Tm not dead.

Letha posted. You could’ve told me, you know..That you didn’t get rid of my baby.”

would have bitten him.

Elgin didn’t even tum around, “The docs said you were in critical condition, that an abortion could’ve killed you. I had to keep the kid to ensure you’d stay alive. to keep tormenting you.”


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