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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92

He responded nonchalantly, his gaze drifting irritably out the window, where not a soul could be seen under the streetlight, but all the lights were on in the servant quarters.

Those quarters were tucked away in a house behind the Ivory Towers, overshadowed by grand European-style villas and easily overlooked.

“Mrs. Ramirez, this is one of the better rooms,” the butler said “Are you satisfied with it?”

“It’s pretty good, thanks for that, Butler.”

How could this be good… It’s just a tiny space… Ugh.”

Letitia couldn’t help but chuckle, “I really think it’s quite nice.”

She had been dreaming of getting away from Elgin and having the bed to herself.

Sharing a room with him meant even breathing had to be on tiptoes.

Now, how liberating it was. She could peacefully work on her drawings until midnight, sleep till dawn, and toss and turn without any


“You’re too easy to please. the butler remarked. “Ms. Ward is just…

“She’s Elgin’s woman. Better not cross swords with her on my account, or she’ll come after you.”

After the butler left, Letitia was so elated she felt like doing a happy dance.

Having Shela move into Ivory Towers was annoying as heck, but if it meant trading that for the freedom to sleep on her own, it was worth it

After all the title of Mrs. Ramirez was never really hers, and the divorce was around the corner. Once it was done, she’d be free from any emotional entanglement with Elgin.

Suddenly her heart twinged with a slow, dull pain.

Letitia clutched at her chest and turned to freshen up.

That night was the most restful sleep Letitia had had since arriving at Ivory Towers!

She had a dreamless night, waking up at dawn!

She stretched mightily. Time to rise and shine!”

But as soon as she stepped out the door, she bumped into Shela, who stood there, arms folded, with a coy smile. “Looks like you had a good night’s sleep.”

“Indeed, a very good one.

Typical lowlife luck, Shela spat. “Can’t handle the deluxe master bedroom, so you settle for pigsty living

Letitia fired back, You finally clawed your way into the master bedroom of Ivory Towers, must’ve been exhausting pulling all those tricks

“At least it’s better than your pigsty!”

“You look all bright and perky. Elgin didn’t touch you last night?” Letitia inquired, “Or maybe… you didn’t sleep together at all?”

Hit the nail on the head, Shela was hopping mad, ‘We… we slept in separate rooms, for safety!”

“Safety? What, for the baby?”


“If Elgin’s not into you, he’s not into you No excuses, no self-deception, Letitia shrugged. “When I was with him, he was always…”

Letitia trailed off, leaving the implication hanging

Predictably, Shela looked like she was about to explode.

“You vixen, what sorcery do you use to bewitch men so completely!”

“Want to know?” Letitia teased with a sly crook of her finger, “Come here, I’ll teach you a trick that’s guaranteed to work!”

Shela’s heart raced at the prospect. Could there really be a way? She’d better learn it!

“You you’ll really teach me?”

“Of course, come here”

Shela dagerly leaned in, ready to learn a trick to wrap Elgin around her finger.

Chapter 92

And then, all she got was a “PH!!”


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