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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96


Today, he’s been daydreaming about if he had a daughter, how he would ace the role of a doling dad. Raising a girl is a whole different thing from raising a boy.

“Mr. Ramirez, you gotta save the baby.” Shela pleads, still bleeding like a stuck pig. “No matter what, the baby comes first!”

“Stop talking, save your strength. I’m taking you to the hospitall

Elgin, a new dad, fell of hopes for his kid, felt like his heart was being ripped out seeing this

He hoisted Shela in a fireman’s carry, giving Letitia a glare that could kill

Letitia, sprawled on the ground, aching all over and too weak to even crawl, watched helplessly.

“Letitia, if anything happens to Shela’s baby your whole family is gonna pay with their lives!”

Elgin dropped this bombshell and left with Shela, moving like his life depends on it

Letitia struggled to lift her head, only to see Elgin’s towering figure getting smaller in the distance…

Shela slung to his shirt, as he whispered something looking anxious and tense.

Yeah, it was dicey for Shela, pregnant and tumbling down the stairs

But what about her? She was pregnant too, for crying out loud! Yet no one gave a hoot about whether she was okay, nobody gave a damn!

And if anything happens to Shela’s baby, it’s all on her, her fault!

But damn it, it was Shela who came at her, who grabbed her hand, who wanted them both to take the fall. The ground was soaked in blood, looking extra gruesome under the harsh moonlight.

Letitia thought it was all Shela’s. But when she looked down, she saw blood seeping out…

She panicked! Her baby!

Fear engulfed her, and as she tried to scream, she found her voice was gone.

The more worked up she got, the tighter her throat felt

Letitia could feel it… her lifeblood draining away. It was her child, a life slipping away

“No-” Her scream was heart-wrenching as she pressed down on her belly.

“Mrs Ramirez! The butler rushed in. “What’s happened to you?”

“The baby, the baby. Letitia’s voice trembled, “Please, you gotta save my baby…”

The butler’s face went white, “Okay!”

The other servants just stood there at first, watching.

But as the butler started to help Letitia up, one maid stepped forward, “Let me help.”

With her taking the lead, the others slowly joined in.

After all, Mrs. Ramirez may not be the boss, but she had always been decent to them.

Letitia was in so much pain, she was nearly out cold. Gazing into the pitch-black night, she felt an eerie calm… If she lost this baby, how’s she supposed to live?

That night, Ivory Towers was all lit up, a hive of frantic activity.

At the hospital.

Outside the OR

Elgin stood tall and still, bloodstains from Shela on his clothes, face like ice.


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