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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 196

196 Ava: History of Witches 

196 Ava: History of Witches 

She is a good person, Selene whispers

No shit

I know that already

Mrs. Elkins is the one who took me in when I was lost and 

desperate to start anew

But Mrs. Elkins is also here, knowing something about the necklace that helped hide my powers

How much did she know about me? How much did she hide

My stomach churns with the bitter feelings of betrayal. You knew about me all along, didn’t you?” 

No.Mrs. Elkins stops walking, concern crossing her face. I knew you were a shifter, of course. I’ve seen more than one rogue in my life, looking for a new start. You were so lost, so scared. I had to help you.” 

Why?There’s a part of my mind that immediately throws in unlikely scenarios, like Mrs. Elkins laughing behind my back over my naivete and ignorance

But I know Mrs. Elkins

That’s not the kind of person she is

So I shove it down, squashing it beneath a mental heel with ruthless efficiency

It’s my paranoia trying to take over again. Just like it did every time 



196 Ava: History of Witches 

Lucas tried to give me any bit of attention or care

He proved himself with time. I need to give Mrs. Elkins the same 


It’s a bit of a story, if you want to hear it.” 

Of course I do. Let’s sit down,I offer, motioning toward the 


My security detail lets her through with no grumbling, though their eyes never leave her. It’s somewhat amusing to see them so on edge over an elderly lady who spends her day in a bookstore, gossiping with Cedarwood residents and doling out wise advice

But I guess it’s a good thing that they take any threat so seriously

Mrs. Elkins sighs, easing herself onto the bench beside me with a soft groan. She places her parcel next to her and gives me a wry smile. I’m getting too old for this kind of travel, dear.” 

I try to smile back, but it feels strained. My mind is a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions. I want to trust Mrs. Elkins, to believe in the genuine care she’s always shown me, but the doubts linger like shadows at the edges of my mind

Listen to her, Ava, Selene urges gently. She means well

I take a deep breath, forcing myself to focus on the present moment. Mrs. Elkins studies me for a long moment before speaking again

Ava, how much do you know about witches?” 

The question catches me off guard. Witches? They’re not real.” The words tumble out automatically, a kneejerk response. But 



196 Ava: History of Witches 

even as I say it, there’s no belief behind it

Mrs. Elkins watches me with that calm gaze of hers. Are you sure 

about that?” 

I shake my head

Honestly, until recently I’d never seen a vampire and hadn’t really known about them. So how am I supposed to know what’s real and 

what isn’t

Mrs. Elkins looks surprised, then pleased. Well, it’s no surprise you think they aren’t real. The packs don’t talk about them. It’s a touchy subject in history.” 

Are witches and magicians different?I ask, curiosity piqued despite my reservations

She shakes her head. Magicians? They’re the same. But the history 

of witches is shameful on all sides.” 

A few soft growls rumble from the older guards, their disapproval clear. Mrs. Elkins fixes them with a stern look. Now, now. Let’s not pass judgment before we’ve even heard the whole story.” 

She turns back to me, her expression softening

You see, Ava, witches once lived in harmony among humans. Their abilities were hidden, and they didn’t cause any trouble. But as- time went on, many witches were threatened by the power of wolves, vampires, and the Fae. It caused a lot of political strife 

between them.” 

I lean forward, drawn in despite myself. What happened?” 

They were hunted down,Mrs. Elkins says quietly. By humans and 



manel you, but it left 

sk froudited by thejenfocations. *if they weren’t 

Most of them were innocent.Mrs. Elkins agrees. ha there were those who did terrible things. In the end, the innocence of most didn’t change the genocide wrought upon their kind. People feared their power, and fear can make even good people do terrible 


One of the guards growls low in his throat. Witches wanted to eradicate everyone who could stand against them. They are not victims here

There are a lot of questions in my head, but I try to focus on the most important for the moment. I also don’t feel like mediating historical wars between my guards and a little old lady. Why do some people call them magicians, then? Is there a difference?” 

Mrs. Elkins considers the question for a moment. The only magicians I know of were witches who worked closely with shifters. But they were hunted down just the same as the others, in 

the end.

Is that true? I ask Selene silently, seeking confirmation


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