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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 213

213 Ava: It’s Gone 

Did you see that?I ask Kellan, my voice barely above a whisper

He glances at me, brows furrowed and body alert. See what?” 

I shake my head, not quite sure how to explain the strange phenomenon. Nothing. Never mind.” 

As we exit the car, I can’t help but glance behind us, taking in the six guards that follow in our wake. Their presence should be 

reassuring, a sign of Lucascommitment to my safety, but instead it only serves to heighten my unease

There’s something in the air, a buzzing energy that sets my teeth on edge and makes my skin feel too tight. It’s like the world is holding its breath, waiting for something to happen

We enter the building, our footsteps echoing in the empty hallways. Kellan leads the way, broad shoulders tense beneath his suit jacket. I trail behind him, my heart hammering in my chest as we descend the stairs to the basement, noticing that there’s no light coming from below

Kellan and I both pull out our phones to use as flashlights, but don’t stop our descent

When we reach the bottom, I stop short, my breath catching in my throat. The office, the reception desk, the colorful artwork that had adorned the wallsit’s all gone. In its place is nothing but a bare, concrete room, devoid of any sign of life. As if no office had ever existed. No drywall. No electric wires



What the hell?* Kellan mutters, his eyes scanning the empty 


1 step forward, my fingers trailing along the rough wall. It was here, wasn’t it? We didn’t take a wrong turn?” 

A silly question. It’s the same building, in the same neighborhood

Nothing’s changed

And yet Steve isn’t here

Kellan shakes his head, his expression gn. No, we didn’t. Something’s not right.” 

This place reeks of magic, Selene growls, her hackles raised. Be careful, Ava

My throat is tight, making it hard to swallow. The air seems to crackle with energy, making the fine hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Every instinct screams at me to run, to get as far away from this place as possible

Something was never right about Steve and her little child receptionist

About the office in the basement of a decrepit building

The way I felt nauseated when I looked into her eyes

Kellan, I think Steve’s a-” 

The world tilts, reality blurring at the edges as the air is sucked from my lungs. I crumple to my knees, one hand clawing at my chest, the other scrabbling against the rough concrete floor. Beside me, Kellan gasps, his face contorted in pain as he struggles 

to breathe



213 Ava It’s Gone 

Darkness engulfs us, the light from our phones snuffed out like candles in a hurricane. I’m drowning, suffocating, my lungs. screaming for oxygen. Tears streamh down my face, hot and stinging, as I silently beg for mercy, for release from this torment

And then, as suddenly as it began, or maybe a hundred years later

it’s over

My chest heaving with great, shuddering brea, feeding oxygen to my starving lungs. Sunlight sears my eyes, blinding after the impenetrable darkness. Spots dance across my vision as I try to make sense of my surroundings

We’re in the parking lot, sprawled on the asphalt like discarded ragdolls. The guards are scattered around us, some on their knees, others flat on their backs, all of them gasping and coughing as they suck in lungfuls of air. 

But the building is gone

Where once stood an abandoned structure housing Steve’s office

there is now nothing but empty space. No rubble, no debris, not even a single brick to mark its former presence. Just overgrown 


As if it never existed at all

I stare at the vacant lot, my mind reeling. I think Steve’s a Fae,I say lamely, the words falling from my lips like lead weights

Kellan pushes himself to his feet, his face ashen. No shit,he mutters, dusting off his pants with shaking hands

How could I have been so blind? The signs were there all along- the strange energy that surrounded Steve, the way her office



seemed to exist outside of reality, the unease that coiled in my gut every time I looked into her eyes

And now, this. A building that vanishes into thin air, leaving no trace of its existence. It’s the kind of magic that only the Fae are capable of

At least, I can only assume it’s Fac magic

It’s definitely magic of some sort

Kellan runs a hand through his hair, his expression grim. We need to tell Lucas. If Steve’s a Fae, she could be working with the vampires. I don’t know how much information she’s funneled their 


The idea of a Fae working with vampires is a new level of terrifying

We need to find out what she wants,I say, my voice steadier than I feel. Why she was helping us, what her endgame is. It’s possible she’s not working with them at all. Just because she isn’t a wolf, doesn’t mean she’s not an ally.” 

Kellan looks doubtful, but I have a gut feeling that I’m right

But where is she, and why is the building gone

He pulls out his phone, his fingers flying over the screen as he sends a message to Lucas. I watch him, my heart pounding in my chest as I try to process everything that’s happened

Steve, the quirky hacker who seemed like an ally, is a Fae. The building where we met her, where she helped us track down information on the vampires, has vanished into thin air. And now



213 Am * 03 

we’re left with more questions than answers, and a growing sense 

of unease that threatens to swallow me whole

Meanwhile, some strange person keeps insisting I need to enter the Unregistered city, domain of the vampires

Where my family is supposedly hiding


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