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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 214

214 Ava: Dressing for Danger 

Lucas doesn’t answer Kellan’s text, or my phone call

Probably busy again with the Council

Stretching, I test the range of motion in the lightweight tactical clothing Kellan provided. The fabric is breau..able, but I’m already sweating beneath the impactresistant layer in the shirt. A knife rests heavy on my belt, and the boots feel stiff, promising blisters if I have to run for my life. But of course the beta insisted, so here I am, trussed up like an operative minus the arsenal

The bodyguards have all ditched their suits for similar getups, though several sport guns on their hips. I turn to Marcus, brow raised. Why don’t I get a gun?” 

He barely glances my way. A gun in untrained hands is just asking for trouble.” 

I purse my lips but concede his point with silence. Using it would require an instruction manual, and there’s no time for that in an 


Still seems like something I should probably learn, considering that my physical prowess is much worse than the average shifter

The door swings open and I blink in surprise as Vanessa strides in, kitted out like some special ops soldier. She catches my stare and explains, Jericho updated me.” 

Something in her gaze gives me pause. Is that pride? Whatever it is, I shift uncomfortably under the unexpected approval. Why are you looking at me like that?” 



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214 Ava. Dressing for Danger 

Vanessa’s lips quirk. Lately, you’ve seemed paralyzed by 

indecision, scared to make the wrong move, I’m glad to see you’ve found your confidence again.” 

A humorless laugh escapes me. Confidence? I’m trembling in my boots. Literally. I’m not confident at all. I’m constantly secondguessing myself, wondering what the right call is.” 

Vanessa steps closer, her voice low and intense. Stop admitting that. Everyone needs their leaders to project confidence, even if 

it’s an act.” 

Doubt claws at my mind, insidious whispers reminding me of all the ways I could fail. All the lives I’m risking with every choice. How can I possibly- 

No. I cut off the spiral before it takes hold, squaring my shoulders and lifting my chin. Fake it til you make it, right? I meet Vanessa’s gaze, hoping she can’t see the cracks in my facade

You’re right. No more wavering.” The words taste like ash on my tongue, but I force them out anyway. It’s time to act.” 

Vanessa nods, something like satisfaction flickering across her face. Well, we’ll be behind you, in case anything happens.” Holding out her hand, I notice that she’s holding the candle I asked for



Marcus’s hands are everywhere, tugging at the straps and buckles of my gear, testing the fit with an intensity that borders on invasive. I squirm under his scrutiny, biting back a yelp when he yanks a strap too tight



Three boots are going to kill me grumble, flexing my toes against the rigid confines

Marcus pauses, fixing me with a stare that can cut glass. You 

dressing for a fashion show or a mission?” 

Glancing away, I mutter under my breath, It’s not about how they look. I just want my feet to survive

He grunts, and I think it might be approval, but it’s hard to tell when he punctuates it with a smack to my back that nearly sends me stumbling. I shoot him a scowl, but he’s already tioning to two other bodyguards, more of the older wolves under Jericho’s authority

Ava, this is Liam and Adam. They’ll be coming with us. Remember, if I tell you to jump, you jump. Don’t stop to ask how high, and don’t argue.” 

I nod, recognizing their faces from the constant rotation of suited figures that shadow my every move. It’s strange, finally putting names to the stoic expressions. Got it. Nice to officially meet you.” 

They incline their heads, professional to a fault, and I wonder if they’re as nervous as I am beneath their unflappable exteriors

Probably not

They’ve had a lifetime of these kinds of situations

The door swings open, and Kellan strides in, his gaze sweeping over us in a silent inspection. I stand a little straighter, feeling like a soldier awaiting orders

He comes to a stop in front of me, his eyes boring into mine with 



214 Ava Dressing for Danger 

an intensity that steals my breath. Be careful out there, Ava.” 

I force a grin, hoping it looks more confident than it feels. Careful? Always. Besides, it’ll be weird not having you around. We spend way too much time together as it is.” 

Kellan doesn’t laugh. If anything, his expression grows more serious. I mean it, Ava. Be careful. Stay with your guards at all 


I’ll take care of you, Selene chimes in, slinking to my side. This time, I’m not leaving your side

Sober beneath the weight of Kellan’s concern, I nod. I will. Liam and Adam will think I’m a barnacle.” 

He holds my gaze a moment longer, searching for something, before stepping back with a sharp nod. Good. Make sure to keep your phone on you. Don’t hesitate to call for backup if anything goes wrong.” 

He’s acting like we’re about to head into war. In his head, that’s probably true. Still, it’s hard not to feel like we’re overreacting to a trip to see Sister Miriam

Better to be prepared than be caught pooping in the bushes

Staring at Selene, I can’t even repeat her words out loud. Pooping in the bushes? Really? That’s what you went with

Her mental shrug is unrepentant. Wolves don’t have the same hangups about bodily functions as humans do

Okay.” I take a deep breath, trying to calm the butterflies rioting in my stomach. This is it. No more hiding, no more waiting for others 



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