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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 215

215 Ava: Going to Sister Miriam Again (I

The candle wick flickers to blazing life. Marcus and Liam’s hands are heavy on my shoulders, grounding me as Adam and Vanessa complete the chain. Selene’s fur brushes my leg, a s nt reminder 

of her presence

I focus on Sister Miriam, on my desperate need to understandeverything

My powers. The city. These phone calls. Steve. The Fae. The Moon Goddess. Lisa. And that damned Mad Prince

The flame flickers, casting eerie shadows across the faces of those gathered around me. I close my eyes, picturing Sister Miriam’s enigmatic smile, her ruby eyes glittering with secrets

Sister Miriam, I need you

I hold my breath, waiting for the rush of magic, the dizzying sensation of being transported across space and time

But nothing happens

I open my eyes, blinking in confusion. We’re still in my room, surrounded by the trappings of my everyday life. Kellan and 

Jericho exchange a glance, their expressions a mix of curiosity and 


When’s it supposed to happen?Kellan asks, his brow furrowing

A sinking feeling takes hold of my gut. I don’t know. It worked before.” 

Staring at the candle, I whisper Sister Miriam’s name, each syllable 


215 Ava Gloing to Sistor Miriam Again (1

a desperate plen. Sister Miriam. Ster Miriam, please” 

The silence stretches, broken only by my harsh breathing. Selene presses closer to my leg

I’m about to try again when my phone rings, the sudden sound making us all jump. I fumble for it, my hands shaking as I see the unknown number on the screen

Hello?My voice cracks, betraying my nerves

Are you an idiot?a robotic voice demands. T ng to access your power now could kill everyone around you!” 

Jericho and Kellan stare intently at the phone, and I put it on speaker

Who is this?” 

The robotic voice sighs, the sound harsh and grating through the phone’s speaker. You’re taking too long.” 

I glance around at the others, searching their faces for any hint of understanding. Kellan and Jericho exchange a bewildered look, while Marcus and Liam simply shake their heads

Who are you?I demand, my grip tightening on the phone. Tell 


I’m trying to help you,the voice snaps, frustration evident despite the robotic distortion. There’s an edge to their words, something that doesn’t translate through whatever filter they’re using

You’ve tapped into your power,the voice continues, and my heart skips a beat

How do you know that?I whisper 



215 Ava: Going to Sister Miriam Again (1

The line goes silent for a moment, the absence of sound almost deafening. Then, abruptly, the speaker changes the subject. Lisa will soon be in safe hands. That should help your worries.” 

Ice floods my veins. What do you mean? What have you done with her?” 

Youneed to hurry up,” the voice repeats, ignoring n questions. Time is running out.” 

Kellan leans in, his brow furrowed. Who is this? What do you want with Ava?” 

I won’t talk to any wolves,” the speaker snarls, and the line goes dead

I stare at the phone in my hand, my heart pounding. The candle flickers, casting eerie shadows across the room

They said they won’t talk to wolves,I tell Kellan, who huffs out a long breath, looking thoughtful

What the hell was that?Jericho demands, his eyes narrowed

I don’t know,I whisper, my mind reeling. But they know about my powers, and they said something about Lisa. Said she would be safe.” 

Kellan runs a hand through his hair, his expression grim. For all we know, their safe is just another danger.” 

I nod, my throat tight. This person won’t answer questions, and knows too much

What about Sister Miriam?Vanessa asks, her voice soft. Why didn’t she come?” 

215 Ava: Going to Sister Miriam Again (1

I shake my head, staring at the candle’s flickering flame. I don’t know. Maybe she can’t, or maybe she won’t.” 

The silence stretches, heavy with all of our unanswered questions

We can’t just sit here,I say finally, my voice shaking. We have to do something.” 

You do look dressed for the part,” a voice agree. tartling all of us

Sister Miriam melts from the shadows. Her black dress clings to her figure, and she walks with mincing steps. There’s a cigarette holder dangling from her fingers, a slender line of smoke curling toward the ceiling. Something I’ve only seen an old movie once

Kellan and Jericho are in front of me before I can blink, a wall of muscle and menace. Even Vanessa steps forward, her gentle face set in lines of determination

But Sister Miriam merely arches a brow, her ruby lips curving in a smile that’s equal parts amusement and danger. Is that 

greet a guest, child?” 

Sister Miriam! How did you?” 

any way to 

No one relaxes, even after hearing her identity. Unfazed by the hostility aimed toward her, she takes a long drag from her cigarette, the ember flaring bright in the dimness of the room. You called me, did you not?” 

I swallow hard, my heart hammering against my ribs. I did, but I thought it didn’t work.” 

Because you didn’t come to my home?She laughs, but it sounds oddly affectionate. Oh, Ava. You have so much to learn.” 

215 Ava: Going to Sister Miriam Again (1

Kellan shifts, his shoulders tense. Who are you?” 

Sister Miriam’s gaze flicks to him, her eyes glittering. I am many things, wolf. But to you, I am an ally. For now” 


For now?Jericho growls, his hand twitching toward the gun at his hip

Peace,” I say, stepping forward to touch the back of his shoulder. She’s here to help.They’re both on edge er that phone call, and 

so am I. 

Sister Miriam inclines her head. Indeed. Though I must say, your choice of companions isinteresting” 

I take a deep breath, forcing myself to meet her gaze. Sister Miriam, this is Kellan, Jericho, Marcus, Liam, Adam, and Vanessa. They’re friends. Pack.” 

Something flickers in her eyes, gone too fast to name. I see.” 

How did you get in here?Kellan demands, his voice rough. We have wards, guards” 

Sister Miriam waves a hand, dismissive. Your wards are child’s play, wolf. You should know this by now. As for your guards? They never had a chance to spot me.” 

I shoulder my way forward, putting myself between her and the others. You said you were here to help?” 


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