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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 256

256 Ava: The World Burns 

Acarus holds up his hands. Calm down, little witch. Your alpha is alive.” 


What a weird way to put it

Wouldn’t someone normally say, your alpha is fine

What happened?” I ask, sitting back in the chair as I focus my gaze on Acarus

Great change. Rebellion. The end of days.” 

1 frown. What do you mean, a great change?” 

The air is heavy, making it hard to breathe. Or maybe it’s just that my chest is tight

Acarus leans forward, his eyes intense. The supernatural communities have risen up against the limitations imposed by human laws. It’s not just the wolf packs. Registered communities, unregistered citiesthey’re all involved. War is everywhere.” 

Marcus’s brow furrows. How widespread is this unrest?” 

It started here,” Acarus explains, but once the media caught wind of it, riots spread to large communities across the country. This anger has been simmering for a long time. Many feel the humans have chained us with their biased laws.” 

My heart races. Just tell me what happened to Lucas, I demand, worry coloring my tone

Acarus inclines his head, his expression softening slightly. He’s recovering in a hospital.” 

Relief and consternation flow

Why? By who

  1. me. A hospital? Then that means he was injured. How

Westwood is now under the control of rogue supernaturals. And BlackwoodMy apologies, Ava. Alpha Renard has retaken it.” 

Lucas has been defeated

And my father’s back in power

The implications make my head spin

Marcus speaks up, his voice tight with concern. That doesn’t explain why we haven’t been able to contact anyone from the packs.” 

Acarus sighs. Most modern communication methods have been hijacked. It’s impossible to contact people via phone. I’m not familiar with the technical terms, but it’s some form of hacking. It’s beyond even what humans are capable of. Probably the work of gnomes or Fae.” 

Wait,” I interrupt, struggling to comprehend. How is it even possible to take down an entire country’s infrastructure?” 

It is limited to most of this side of the country, Acarus clarifies. That is as much as I understand. Beyond that, you would have to discuss with someone familiar with technology.


am not that person.” 


My mind races, trying to make sense of it all. Then, a thought strikes me. What about Clayton? How’s the Aspen pack doing?” 

Acarus raises an eyebrow, surprise evident in his features. You still care about the Aspen alpha?” 

No!I deny immediately, wondering if I’ll ever outlive that presumption. It’s justClayton’s been in Westwood and Blackwood for so long. I hope he’s okay, and his pack too.” 

Acarus nods slowly. I believe Alpha Shadowpine has returned to his pack, but I’m not certain. He pauses, his gaze intense. Ava, I don’t think you understand how much the world has changed. Perhaps it is better to show you.” 

The moment Acarus suggests showing me what he means, Marcus and Vanessa tense up like colled springs. I can feel the shift in the air

It’s not a good idea to bring Ava outside right now, Marcus says, his voice low and firm. We need more information first. We still aren’t certain where we are.” 

Acarus looks at them, his expression a mix of amusement and bewilderment. There’s an easier way to show her what I mean,” he says, his golden eyes flickering between us. Are you done eating

I glance at the untouched plates in front of Marcus and Vanessa, a pang of guilt hitting me as 1 realize they haven’t even had a chance to take a bite. Then again, they don’t trust Acarus not to poison them

Before I can say anything, he’s already leading us into the living room

The TV flickers to life under Acarus’s touch, and suddenly, the world I thought I knew shatters into a thousand pieces

A news broadcast fills the screen, the reporter’s voice tight with barely contained panic as she describes the scene unfolding behind her. New York City, a place I’ve only seen in movies and postcards, has become a war zone

My breath catches in my throat as the camera pans across streets I don’t recognize, littered withbodies. So many bodies. The reporter’s words wash over me, a torrent of horror I can barely process

unprecedented riots across the cityhospitals overwhelmeddeath toll rising by the hour..” 

I want to look away, but I can’t. My eyes are glued to the screen, taking in every horrific detail. Smoke rises from burning buildings, casting an apocalyptic haze over the cityscape. People run through the streets, their faces masks of terror and rage

Occasionally, one of them stops for a quick interview. They all say the same thing


Run for your lives

The scrolling headlines at the bottom of the screen hammer home the reality of what I’m 

256 Ava The World Burns 






My legs give out, and I sink onto the couch, unable to tear my eyes away from the nightmare playing out before me. I feel Marcus’s hand on my shoulder, steadying me, but it does little to ground me in this new, terrifying reality

The peace between humans and supernaturals has broken

What will life look like in the future? Humans will never trust us again. Will we have to hide

Wrapping my arms around my stomach, I can feel myself dissociating from the moment, my feelings growing distant and dim as I watch the TV

The reporter and the camera are running. From what

I’m surprised they don’t cut away to anchors safe in a building somewhere, citing technical difficulties. Instead, we follow along a nauseating run

Then, no visibility at all, and a lot of coughing

Building went down, someone says

How did they take down an entire building?” 

Hold on, is the camera still working?” 

Yeah, I think so. Let me clean the lens

We watch in silence as someone brushes dirt off the lens. We can see again, the reporter’s face. illuminated against darkness

An apartment building just collapsed, sending dirt and debris everywhere. We’re safe, but I think the death toll just jumped. Back to you, Adam.” 

Thank you, Kylethe horrors in New York City aren’t isolated, as riots inundate every major cityThe camera returns to a horrified anchor who speaks with professional detachment, despite the pallor in his face

It came without warningAcarus says quietly, his voice barely audible over the TV. Yet it must have been in planning for decades

Marcus’s voice is tight with disbelief. How? How could something this massive go undetected?” 

Acarus turns to him, his expression grim. That’s the question everyone is asking. How is such a thing possible?” 

I can’t wrap my head around it


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