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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 257

257 Ava: Everything’s Changed 

Acarus holds up a hand when Marcus opens his mouth. Before you askremember, communications have been disrupted. Even the video you just watched is a recording. I’m sure there are people who know more about what is happening across the oceans, but I do not have any access to that information.” 

Unable to keep watching the TV, I head back to the relative peace of the dining room. All three of them follow behind

my shoulder in 

Every time we turn around, there’s something new, Vanessa says, squeezing my comfort. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed

I know. Taking a deep breath, 1 sink back into my chair and stab at the food in front of me. not hungry, but energy is crucial right now. I feel like our tiny story has been swallowed by a freaking space whale.” 

Space whale?Marcus and Vanessa sit on either side of me, and they both reach for the food they weren’t interested in before

Yeah. It’s from a show I watched with Lisa. They jump around in hyperspace and-” 

Vanessa looks fascinated, but I can feel Marcus staring at the back of my head, probably wondering what crazy woman he’s accepted as Luna

Anyway. They were huge,” I mutter, dunking another piece of bread into my stew

I should really watch more TV, Vanessa says with a sigh. The world out there is vast, and all I ever see of it is blood and guts

The bread catches in my throat, and I cough violently. Marcus’s hand thumps against my back, helping me clear my airway. I wheeze out a thanks, my eyes watering

For most people,” I rasp at Vanessa, your entire life would be a TV show. They’re not used to werewolf shenanigans.” 

She sighs, her eyes distant. It definitely feels like a movie now!” 

I nod silently, agreeing with her sentiment. The events of the past few weeks feel surreal, like I’m living in some bizarre alternate reality. Werewolves, magic, rebellionsit’s all too much

Acarus clears his throat, breaking through my thoughts. He addresses Marcus, who’s shoveling food into his mouth like it might disappear at any moment. Do you want to know your current 


Marcus nods, his cheeks bulging 

He resembles a grouchy chipmunk more than an apex predator. Have I ever seen him eat before

I don’t think I have

You’re on the far border of Westwood, Acarus says, his voice steady. Then his gaze shifts to me, and my heart rate picks up. You’re only a few hours away from your alpha, if you wish to see him.” 

257 Ava. Everything’s Changed 

My body goes rigid, every muscle tensing at once. Lucas. He’s close. After everything that’s happened, after all the worry and fear, he’s within reach. Yes,I blurt out, already halfrising from my chair. Let’s go now.” 

*Slow down,” Marcus says, swallowing his mouthful of food. His hand on my arm is gentle but firm. We need to be cautious.” 

Vanessa nods in agreement. We can’t just rush in blindly, Ava. We don’t know what’s waiting for us out there.” 

I force myself to take a deep breath. Running headlong into danger won’t help anyone, least of all Lucas. You’re right, I concede, sinking back into my chair. But I still think we should need to meet up with our allies. There’s safety in numbers, especially now.” 

  1. go


We will,” Vanessa assures me. It’s a matter of planning timing and routes.” 

Marcus turns to Acarus, his expression serious. What exactly happened in Westwood? We need details” 

Lucas…” I start, then falter. I’m not sure I want to know, but I have to ask. How badly was he 


Acarus’s eyes soften as they meet mine. He took a bad hit defending a group of human civilians caught in the crossfire. Multiple lacerations, some internal bleeding. But he’s stable now, healing.” 

His face clouds over, troubled lines appearing around his eyes and mouth. The pit in my grows deeper. Whatever happened, it can’t be good


It started with small skirmishes,” Acarus begins, his voice low. Rogues testing the borders, probing for weaknesses. Like your alpha, we assumed it was the Whispering Pines pack making their move. He’s hungry for power, and the Blackwood territory is enticing fruit. But it escalated quickly.” 

I lean forward, hanging on his every word. My hands clench into fists under the table, nails digging into my palms

Overnight, everything changed. Too many wolves were sent to cover the skirmishes, leaving the central lands weak. Westwood, Blackwood, and Twilight Ridge were all attacked on the same day. It wasn’t rogues anymore. Vampires and Fae were involved, in frightening numbers. They overwhelmed the defenses. It was a massacre

His eyes flicker toward me. What happened before was nothing more than a warning” 

Marcus curses under his breath. I can practically see the tactical wheels turning in his head, assessing the situation

But that isn’t the worst of it

His grim words turn my veins to ice

They wer 

There were shifters among them. Not rogue. Not pack. mindless warriors. They were the most frightening of all. Like a curse ravaging the pack.” 

257 Ava: Everything’s Changed 

My stomach flips

Are you saying” 

Zombies?Marcus cuts me off, his voice tight. Are you saying the bodies they stole became 


Yes, I suppose that would be the best word for them.” Acarus grimaces. They are inexorable. Already dead and unable to die again.” 

Yet another blow to my already shaky worldview


Real ones

Not the 

Not the kinds in movies

My arms wrap around my waist instinctively, as if I could somehow shield myself from this nightmare. A violent shudder runs through my body, and I can’t stop the trembling that follows

Beside me, Vanessa lets out a soft cry. The sound is filled with disbelief and fear, mirroring the emotions churning inside me

That’s right; she knows these people. Not only that, I’m sure she was part of the care team for the ones who passed in the hospital

This must be even harder for her

My thoughts race. All this time, I’d believed the attacks were centered around me, driven by the Mad Prince’s desire for my power. It had been a heavy burden, but at least it had made a twisted kind of sense. Now, that fragile understanding crumbles away 

I thoughtMy voice comes out as a whisper, barely audible even to my own ears. I clear my throat and try again. I thought all of this was because of me. Because the Mad Prince wanted my 



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