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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 261

261 Ava: Yanking At Her 

It’s almost like a presence saying hello

Thinking of that little string, I tug back. Twice

An answering jerk. One. Two. Three 

The words I just spoke drift into my head: It’s like the book is alive

Is it crazy to talk into this void in my head, in the general direction I hope the book is in

Sure. But at least no one can see or hear me doing it

Hello? I call out, trying to 


Use the same mental channel I use to speak with Selene. Are you 

Another tug on that string

I really, really need you to come to where I am. It’s safer here. Or something. How do you explain. to a book that the world has gone to shit and you want to keep it from being used to create further catastrophe


Being polite never hurts

This time, that stringy feeling yanks, and it feels like my heart is constricted, interfering in its ability to beat

I can’t breathe. Pain explodes in my chest, radiating outward like a supernova. My lungs burn, desperate for air that won’t come. The world around me blurs, sounds fading into a highpitched buzz that fills my cars

One second passes. An eternity compressed into a heartbeat

Two seconds. The edges of my vision darken, reality slipping away like sand through an hourglass

Then, as suddenly as it began, the pain recedes. The world snaps back into focus, colors sharpening and sounds returning. I gasp, drawing in a ragged breath that feels like sandpaper in my throat

Ava? Ava! Are you okay?” 

Vanessa’s voice cuts through the lingering fog in my mind. Her hand grips my shoulder, shaking me gently but insistently. I blink, trying to orient myself. We’re still in the truck. Marcus is at the wheel, his knuckles white as he grips it tightly, eyes darting between the road and the rearview 


LMy voice comes out as a croak. Swallowing hard, I try again. I’m fine.” 

But am I? What the hell just happened? It felt like my heart was being squeezed in a vise, like something was trying to pull it right out of my chest. And that string, that connection to the bookit’s still there, only it’s stronger and pulsing

261 Ava Yanking At Her 

There’s a thrumming in my veins that’s familiar

Are you sure?Vanessa looks me over with a frown. Your face went white as a sheet and your groaned like you were dying. I’m pretty sure you stopped breathing

I had, hadn’t I? The memory of those endless seconds without air sends a shiver down my spine. I think I made contact with the book. It was weird.” 

Marcus’s eyes meet mine in the mirror. What happened?” 

My thoughts are still scattered, my mind overflowing. I’m not sure. I was reaching out to it, trying to call it to me like Magister Orion said. And thenI trail off, unsure how to describe the sensation. It was like it grabbed hold of me. I feel like I was somewhere else for a minute.” 

Is that normal?Vanessa asks, before shaking her head. Stupid question. How would we know?” 

So many questions, and so few answers


jaw clenches. We need to be careful with this. Magic books that try to yank your soul out of your body don’t exactly scream trustworthyto me.” 

He has a point, but something in me rebels against the idea. No, it wasn’t malicious. Just desperate.” I pause, surprised by my own certainty. How can I be so sure about the intentions of an inanimate object? And yet, I am

The string inside of me tugs again, and I swear it’s a friendly one

Vanessa’s hand finds mine, squeezing gently. Either way, we can’t risk you getting hurt. Maybe we should wait until we reach Lucas before trying again” 

I scratch at my arms, trying to soothe the strange thrumming in my veins. It’s like my body is vibrating from the inside out, a constant reminder of the magic pulsing through me

You’re right,” I say to Vanessa. We should wait until we’re somewhere safe before I try contacting the book again. Too many weird things keep happening to me. I’d rather not risk dying before we reach Lucas

See? I have a sense of selfpreservation in me somewhere

Even if I desperately want to try again

The thought of Lucas sends a pang through my chest

Have either of you made contact yet?I ask, looking between Vanessa and Marcus. Hope flutters in my chest, fragile and desperate

Vanessa shakes her head, a worried frown creasing her brow. “No, nothing yet. Vester should be able to reach me by now. It’s strange.” 

How long has it been since you could sense him?Surprised, I peer out the window, but there’s nothing to see in the darkness

Vanessa’s frown deepens. Well, you’ve been focusingin the back for about an hour now!” 

An hour? It felt like mere minutes had passed. The realization is chilling. How much time am


261 Ava Yanking At Her 

losing, slipping away into that strange, mentalmagical space

Marcus talks with his eyes glued to the road. I felt a pack presence once,” he admits. But it was brief. Flectr before I could really grasp it.” 

It’s just a matter of 

ting closer,Vanessa says, her tone reassuring. But I can hear the undercurrent of worry beneath her words. We’ll make contact soon. I’m sure of it.” 

I nod, but anxiety churns in my gut. Too many strange things are happening around us. The moon and our washed out headlights are the only things illuminating the world as we drive. My stomach growls, a sharp reminder that we haven’t eaten in hours. The granola bars Acarus gave us are long gone, nothing but wrappers and crumbs left behind

We need to stop soon, Vanessa says, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. I need a bathroom break.” 


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