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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 262

262 Ava: Cassiopeia 

Are you okay?Vanessa asks, grabbing my arm and inspecting the welts I’ve given myself

Just crazy itchy. Ever since I connected with the book, it’s like energy is just buzzing right below my skin. Like a million ants at a dance party

She frowns. I wish I knew more about magic and its side effects. I hate not knowing if these things are normal.” 

No kiddingPulling my arm away, I scratch at it again

Marcus’s voice cuts through the night air. Time’s up. Let’s move. Ava, come up front this time.” 

I climb into the passenger seat, grateful for the change. At least I can stretch out my legs a little. The cracked leather beneath me is hard and pokey, but it’s still an improvement

Vanessa takes the back, and I can feel her watchful gaze on me even in the darkness

The truck rumbles to life, and we’re back on the road. I lean my head against the cool glass of the window, my eyes searching the sky. The stars are bright out here, away from the city lights. It’s been so long since I’ve really looked at them

My fingers find their way to my neck, scratching at the persistent itch that’s taken up residence- there. I try to focus on the constellations, searching for familiar patterns in the vast expanse 


There’s Orion’s Belt, three stars in a perfect line. I remember learning about it as a kid, fascinated by the idea of hunters in the sky. Now, it feels like we’re the ones being hunted, even 

when no one knows where we are

The Big Dipper comes into view, its ladle shape unmistakable. I trace it with my eyes, following the line to the North Star. It’s supposed to be a guide, a constant in a chaotic world. Right now, I could use some of that stability

My mind wanders to Lucas, wondering if he’s looking at these same stars from his hospital bed. The thought sends a pang through my chest, sharper than any physical pain

I hope he’s okay

I hope he knows I’m coming

The bond in my chest feels stronger, maybe because the distance between us is shrinking. It feels like it’s happy we’re close

My nails dig deeper into my skin as I scratch, the itch becoming more insistent. It’s like my is trying to crawl out of itself, restless energy with nowhere to go

I wonder if this is how Lucas feels when the full moon approaches, this barely contained 


Ava,” Vanessa’s voice is soft but firm from the back seat. Try not to scratch. You’ll make it 



262 Ava: Cassiopeia 

overwhelming. Instead, I press my palms flat against my thighs, focusing on the rough texture of 

my jeans

I hunt for the only other constellation I really know: The constellation Cassiopeia, its distinctive W shape a stark contrast to the surrounding darkness

I remember reading about the myth, the vain queen who boasted of her beauty. Now she’s forever in the sky, sometimes rightside up, sometimes upside down. I wonder if the gods who put her there knew how apt a metaphor it would be for lifeconstantly turning, never stable

Feels like me

Marcus clears his throat, breaking the silence that’s settled over us. How are you holding up?I tear my gaze away from the stars to look at him. His eyes are fixed on the road ahead, but I can see the tension in his jaw, the way his hands grip the steering wheel a little too tightly

I’m okayI lie, because what else can I say? That I’m stressed about the fate of the world and worrying that we won’t find Lucas where he’s supposed to be? That I feel like something else crazy is about to come around the corner at us at any second? Just trying to relax a little

He nods, not calling me out on the obvious untruth. Good. We should be there soon. Just hang in there a little longer.” 

My fingers twitch, wanting to scratch again. I curl them into fists instead, nails digging into my palms. The pain is a welcome distraction from the incessant itching. 

Do you think Lucas is awake?” The question slips out before I can stop it, my voice sounding small and uncertain in the confines of the truck

It’s late,Vanessa says gently from the back. He’s probably resting. Healing” 

I nod. Of course he’s sleeping. What time is it now? Midnight? A patient shouldn’t be awake at this time of night

Trying to distract myself, I think about the magic thrumming through my veins, the power that seems to have a mind of its own. Is it like starlight, traveling vast distances to reach its vessel- me? Or is it more like a supernova, a brilliant explosion waiting to happen

Considering how everyone was worried I’d just explode and take a chunk of the world with me, I think it might be the latter

Or, you know, it’s magic, and can’t be compared to something like stars… 

The itch intensifies, and before I can stop myself, my hand is at my neck again, nails scraping against skin. I catch myself quickly, but not before Vanessa notices

Ava,she says, her voice a mixture of concern and exasperation. You need to try to relax. The more you focus on it, the worse it’ll get

I know, I know,I mutter, forcing my hand back to my lap. It’s just driving me crazy. Like my skin doesn’t fit right anymore” 

Marcus glances over at me, his brow furrowed. Is it getting worse?” 

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