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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 89

89 Ava: A Mild Overreaction

I glance away from Lucas, unable to hold his intense gaze. My heart sinks like a stone, the weight of the secrets I’ve kept pressing down on me.”

It isn’t even like I’ve been keeping them on purpose, but I feel like a she–wolf caught cheating on her mate.

And yet no matter how innocent it was at the time–no matter what state our mate connection was in–these are the types of secrets that can bury our relationship before it ever starts. Honesty is the best policy. Better to get it all out in the open, even if he rejects me again.

Even if he formally rejects me.

Last time, the rejection was implied; this time…

I shudder at the thought and take a deep, steadying breath, trying to psych myself up.

I have to talk about my stay with the Aspen pack. About Clayton. I’ll have to explain about my heat, too.

As soon as I gather an ounce of courage, Lucas‘ phone rings again. I gróan audibly, the sound ripping from my throat before I can stop it. “Are you serious?” It’s the

13:24 C


89 Ava: A Mild Overreaction

middle of the night! Who the hell calls someone in the middle of the night?!

Lucas‘ brows furrow in apology, clearly thinking I’m upset that he’s taking calls during our conversation. “I’m sorry, it will only be a moment.”

“No, no,” I rush to assure him, waving a hand. “That’s not it at all. I’m just…” I trail off, unsure of how to explain.

He leans forward to kiss my forehead. Apparently this is something he’s going to do often.

I don’t mind it, but it doesn’t quite feel like we’re at that point yet.

I really need to talk to him.

“I’m sorry, Ava. This is another alpha. I’ll be right back.”

“Go, go.” I wave him off. It isn’t like I don’t understand the weight of such a call.

But then he utters words that make my blood run cold. “Hey, Clayton, is everything okay?”

I’m frozen.

I’m a frozen glacier of wolfless shifter, stuck on the


89 Ava: A Mild Overreaction

hospital bed, staring at the back of my fated mate as he walks out the door, talking on the phone with my…

My what?

My lover?

He’s not my lover. We had sex, yes. Lots of sex.

Oh, and I might be pregnant.

Which… I don’t think I am. Because wouldn’t they have checked that already?

Shit, I’m going to have to somehow discreetly inquire

about this.

No. No, not discreet. I need to tell Lucas, now, because he’s going to find out anyway.

Why is Clayton calling him?

Does he know who I am?

Is he wanting me back?


My breath catches in my throat as anxiety grabs me by the neck, squeezing as hard as it can. Clayton. Of all the worst timing that could ever happen.


89 Ava A Mild Overreaction

I stare at the door, closed behind Lucas. He’s already in the hall, talking to the man who saw all of me, naked as the day I was born.

The man who took the virginity that should have been saved for my mate.

Oh, fuck.

I’m dizzy with all the emotions and thoughts dashing through my head, back and forth without end.

What on earth could they be talking about for so long? Why isn’t Lucas back in here, raging?

No, wait–maybe it isn’t my Clayton.


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