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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 90

90 Lucas Worries

90 Lucas: Worries


Only half my attention is on the information Clayton’s passing me. The rest of it is on the bandaged little she–wolf just beyond the door. Her scent has been changing daily, and I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. It isn’t a bad change, but it’s different.

Add that to the way she blew up when my phone rang, and I’m starting to get a little worried that I haven’t been around for her during such a traumatic time. She’d been kidnapped, even if it was by her own family, and then viciously attacked after trying to run away. On top of it all, she has a mate that was stupid enough to reject her.

I’m sure she has no idea how much she can rely on me, and I can’t blame her for being so evasive with her affection. We’ve made progress, but I keep pushing my luck–touching her, kissing her forehead, sniffing around her when I think she doesn’t notice…

“Lucas? Are you still there?” Clayton’s voice cuts through my distracted haze.



90 Lucas Worries

“Yes, I’m here.” I pinch the bridge of my nose, halting my pacing in the hospital corridor. My obsession with Ava is becoming problematic, but my wolf is irritated that I took any focus from my brain onto anything else. If it was up to him, we’d be glued to her side until our mating mark was a year old on her neck.

“You need to focus,” Clayton admonishes, his words laced with an edge I rarely hear from him. “This situation demands our full attention.”

I nod, even though he can’t see me. He flew in to help manage the Blackwood Pack, and I ditched him to see Ava in the hospital. He deserves my full attention. Clayton’s too good of a friend for me to be distracted over my personal issues.

“You’re right. Go ahead.”

Clayton’s voice takes on a grim quality. “We’ve received reports of increased rogue activity in the area. It appears they may be mobilizing for an attack. Renard and the entire Grey family is still missing, along with a few other players from the pack. Our scouts are of the opinion that these rogues are working for Renard in some way, and might even be connected with the Unregistered. We’ve yet to locate

90 Lucas. Worries

any connections with either of them, but we aren’t done looking.”

A low growl rumbles in my chest. The mere mention of Renard and Ava’s shitty family ignites a simmering fury within me. After what they’ve done to her, I won’t rest until they’re all corpses.

“And Grace?”

“She’s still in the hospital. All treatment has been withdrawn, and they’re keeping an eye on her. So far, she’s stable, but still in a coma. If she doesn’t wake up soon, she’ll die of dehydration before the wolfsbane gets her.”

“Good.” I have no remorse over this. The bitch deserves that and more. I only wish she was awake for the pain.

“How are we dealing with the situation with the


“For now, we’re trying to gather more intelligence,” Clayton responds, his tone even and measured. “But we need to be prepared to defend. The real problem,

of course-”

“-is internal,” I finish for him, running a frazzled hand



90 Lucas Worries

through my hair. “I know. We don’t know if we can

trust them not to rise against us while we’re defending

against anyone.”

“There are two schools of thought. Imprison everyone,

or let the chips fall where they may. There are pros

and cons to both.”

I growl in frustration. Yes, there are pros and cons to both, but only one of them ensures that our men are


To me, everyone in the Blackwood Pack is worthless. The decision is easy.

“Imprison all of them. They should be grateful I didn’t raze them to the ground the first night. If anyone struggles, kill them.”

“Don’t you think that’s a little harsh?” Clayton suggests. “The Council might side with you on the evidence, but they aren’t going to approve of outright tyranny and


“It isn’t murder when you kill the enemy.”

“They’ve surrendered,” he points out, ever the voice of


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90 Lucas Worries

Fuck reason. I don’t care if they’re all dead.

“Don’t thank me. I’m the one in your debt.” I frown, wondering why Clayton’s been so damn….


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